sorry for another one of these but i actually have 2 questions:
the first one is this, i have an ipod mini that absolutly sucks a left nut, the battery sucks and shit, so im sending it in to apple and for 160 bucks they send you a referbished ipod with a brand new battery. when i first got the ipod, i put it on one computer in my house, dled all the songs i wanted and put them on itunes from that computer. i changed the computer i wanted to use for my pod, so i did this weird thing that i plugged it into my computer and now the files arnt actualy on the computer i think, just on my ipod from before. my question is, when i get the new ipod will the songs that did not have the file on this computer, but still in my itunes because my ipod was plugged into it, be transferable to my new ipod? ik its hard to understand but try to help me out.
and my other question is i just got a shuffle for skiing and shit and i was wondering if you can run 2 ipods from the same itunes and how can you do that?