do you know what this is
a shammy cloth?
lucky guess.. i just lost a buck.... TO MY SELF.
ha.. i herd something about your suspension, something with a bus full of kids?
you herd that did ya, well heres another story for ya, new jack. back
in 74 charlie rich was named country musician of the year. then the
next year in 75 he had to hand the award off to the new winner john
denver. can you believe it? replaced by john fuckin denver! well ill be
damned if mr rich didnt light the award on fire infront of everyone.
get what im saying?
your going to light me country music award on fire?
ha, when my suspension is up, you better watch out.
(lights tape)
HEY wanna go!
yeah, oh dont you smell pretty
HEY GUYS BREAK IT UP! we got a 10-94, farva you wanna take this one?
you bet.
(slides across hood)nice wax job rook
(sprays farva in face with hose)