Replying to Ski help
ok so im looking for a new ski. first off i'll say i'm abut 5'8'', 130 pounds and a pretty agressive skier. i have some sprayer bc's right now that are pretty much new. but to tell you the truth they weren't what i expected them to be and i don't like them that much. i thought they were going to be a light, little jib ski with a little width. now i know weight doesnt matter until your talking about swingweight (tip vs. tail) but they just don't feel right. with my older line mike nicks i feel like i can just whip those skis around and i don't feel the same on the sprayers. with the mike nicks i can butter real easy and get up on my tips and spin and shit. so im looking for a light, responsive ski around 83 mm at waist give or take a few mm's. i want a fun ski to butter and mess around on but still be able to rip groomers with them. i just mean i dont want them to wash out once i hit a decent speed and im carving. i also ski a good amount of park cause im getting mroe into that and started skiing park last year. now ideally (sp?) i would ski the older lines but they're just dead. so what are your guys thoughts? ski options that i would like? keep in mind i'll be skiing these most days and i'll probably keep the sprayers for pow days since i wouldnt get enough money if i sold them. so these are just my fool around, have fun, rip everywhere, ride park ski.i didnt put too much emphasis on park because honestly any of the skis that are suggested will perform good in teh park as long as they meet my specifications from before. unless its not a twintip which isnt an option. i kind of wrote a lot and its real jumbled, sorry.
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