Last night when I was lying in bed (around 12am-ish), I was staring at the moon through my window. It was so cool last night with the clouds going over it, so I got up to take a picture.
That's when I noticed a small orange flickering speck. I tried to zoom in with my camera, but couldn't get a good angle because of the trees. I live in Nordic and from what I could acertain, it seemed to be around the 7th Heaven lift..hard to tell because it's soo far away...but it was about 3/4 up the valley b/w Blackcomb and Whistler. I watched for an hour or so and then went to bed.
When I woke up around 5-6am-ish, I looked out and it looked bigger and it was smoking.
Because of the clouds today, I haven't been able to see since this morning.
Does anyone know what the deal is? Nothing on the news so far? I've heard planes all day though...
I'd love to walk into the village to see if it actually is anything...but ACL surgery prevents me from doing so, so if anyone knows anything please do share.