First master tags.
this is a handystyle.
Then move on to throw ups.
In my opinion this is the best throwie i have ever seen. Ever.
Then move onto pieces after you have mastered your throw ups.
Im not trying to sound all high and mighty but from my expirences (i did a stint in graffiti) all I have heard from super sick graffiti heads is simple is better.
Also read up your history.
This isnt even a blemish on history but here.
"Cavemen drew pictures on walls, but the Egyptians were the first
language artists, then the Romans bit the steeze. The Greeks, Incans,
and Native Americans all got with the program. There was Graffiti on
the New York subway a year after it was built. There is graffiti on the
moon. If graffiti is vandalism, and vandalism is a form of pollution,
then man has left his mark with garbage at the farthest reaches of the
universe. So you with your pathetic desire to be remembered are in good
company. It's important to know how graff developed in your area code,
so consult local experts, and remember, everybody lies."
Heres an online graffiti book.
Learn, learn, learn you dont want to finally meet some graffiti heads and not know the history of your hobby.
If you do know your history they will respect you and not take you as a stupid toy
who doesnt have any knowledge.
The art of getting over:
I suggest you buy this book it features stories from about 15 famous, innovative writers around graffitis peak in the 1980s. It has stories from Ces and his legendary throws to smith throwing up on the brooklyn brigde.
Graffiti has a great history, it is very VERY hard to get good at, and you can make great friends through it.