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I hate all this double grab bullshit.
Posts: 2102
Karma: 44
It looks like balls. That is all. Discuss.
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
unless your name is simont dumont....
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
that is all. yet we can discuss. odd.
i agree. they look like shit. most of the time. if you're not good. ish.
Posts: 3996
Karma: 269
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Some look weird, i agree. But just knowing how tough they are to make smooth and such makes up for it.
Posts: 39
Karma: 10
I like it when Dumont does it cause it looks smooth as my bottom but it gets annoying when every kid in the park does does them
Posts: 311
Karma: 401
the best double grab is the one your mom does when im standing behind her
Posts: 39
Karma: 10
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
what the hell is it with you and dumont
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
what are you talkin about??
i just said dumont's got style..
chill out
Posts: 4434
Karma: 107
Disagree, the only one that I think looks bad is the Octo... and that's not even very bad. I think they're sick, they literally double the variety of grabs in our sport. That can't be a bad thing.
Posts: 2300
Karma: 48
double grabs don't like you.
Posts: 1754
Karma: 110
double grabs are generally sick. octos are prime. but I agree that simon dumont lost his style with the time, I like his huge truckdriver, when his legs were spread.
Posts: 8227
Karma: 1,032
personally i really like octos when there done cleanly. such as charles gagnier makes them look epic
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
that young man can grab like no other
and to the creator of this thread...dont do them?
Posts: 114
Karma: 11
I think the octo grab is the sickest thing I have ever seen.
Posts: 2715
Karma: 355
yeah charles octos look alot better than just a single grab like mute or tail i mean it is two in one how can you go wrong with that.
Posts: 114
Karma: 11
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
What about...the TRIPLE GRAB!?!?!???
Only sloths can perform such marvel.
Posts: 8227
Karma: 1,032
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
no fatass. if it looks weird, it looks weird, end of story.
Posts: 2913
Karma: 385
dont hate progression thread creator.
Posts: 2889
Karma: 13
you cant rule out all double grabs, cus even though you hate agaisnt them, i bet theres at least one truck driver or octo you've seen that you think looks dope
Posts: 1437
Karma: 275
i think most of them look good but some do look retarded. i cant stand the japan critical i mean its fun to do but it looks stupid just a japan is sick
Posts: 3036
Karma: 45
*cough jon tweaked sw 5 truck tbc extras
Posts: 4554
Karma: 96
i think they look SIQ BRO
those and high mutes are really catching on
Posts: 2286
Karma: 52
I like most double grabs but I do think that some look pretty rediculous, but I still appreciate how difficult it is to do them, but one of my favorite double grabs is the double japan, especially Tanner Rainville's double japans off of the one rail in shanghai six
Posts: 10888
Karma: 2,184
it's not progression if it looks fucking gay!!
double grabs are almost as homosexual as double flips!! fucking arial fags!!
Posts: 1713
Karma: 111
i would have to say that you most likely can not do them
Posts: 177
Karma: 11
sickest double grap is corey vanulars in LSS wear he goes from mute to japan
Posts: 5214
Karma: 47
double grabs are sick if you are good, dont hate
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
the double grab bullshit hates you to
Posts: 930
Karma: 11
cant tell me thats not sick
Posts: 1070
Karma: 844
if you mean double grab like octo and double mute like the pictures, yes it is hard to make them look good. however doule grabs in the sense of mute-to-tail, or japan-to-tail, or double-tail.....sickest thing ever
Posts: 2286
Karma: 52
yeah that was illin, I hope he has a full segment this year
Posts: 543
Karma: 5
doublegrabs arent tech really or anything, i almost find them easier. skiing isnt about tech, noone even knows whats hard and what isnt you know? tricks havent been established yet so its just a big stunt show of what looks the biggest and most impressive.
i hope one day we can work it out,but its been 3 years and dudes can barley figure out unnatural and natural on rails.
Posts: 543
Karma: 5
p.s im not talking about what tricks the kids are doing, tons of kids have bothways stuff, just generally people get more hyped on more impressive natrual tricks yaknow
Posts: 6192
Karma: 41
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
I love em, don't understand why you dont, but dub japans, octos, cruts, and such just look sick, but mostly with higher spins. slow spins look good with huge tails or mutes. I'm not much of a fan for dub true noses though, unless they are spread apart real whore-like, those are ill.
Posts: 5063
Karma: 2,478
haha tanners sw 5 cruton in msp a few years ago was so ugly, as well as rainville's sw 9 mute to opp tails or vanulars rodeo 9 mute to japan... all so hideous. what are you talking about? hahaha i cant believe you said that.
Posts: 3255
Karma: 3,227
haha that made me lol but i like double grabs sometimes they look like shit but if they are exicuted right they look dope
Posts: 3824
Karma: 90
I beg the differ.
if skiers only grabbed one ski then people would spend more time trying flips that look like aerials and that would be shitty progression. I like doubles(grabs...) the flips are okay if done by the right person.
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
Dub true nose = my favorite grab to do.
Posts: 594
Karma: 10
hey everyone...let this thread die
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
its kind of a new thing, its something in the growing stages so it doesnt look super smooth yet, give everyone some time to get it nailed and start putting some more steeze money into it!
Posts: 2026
Karma: 348
double grabs are doper then anything else right now. how can you hate on progression?
Posts: 1918
Karma: 16
i love double japans, octos and truckdrivers
Posts: 2913
Karma: 385
the thread creator looks like bullshit
Posts: 1866
Karma: 37
i love them, octos look so sick with big spins, double true tail, double high mute, and that critical/japan is my favourite when sammy c does them with switch 7s. All dubs look dope.
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