Yes I do. Or maybe I'm crazy and judgemental, you tell me. Read the entire rant, because I need to know if any of you deal with similar situations, or if I'm all alone.
If your friend said he's hungry, but he doesn't want to spend his money, and then you go to a restaraunt and he gets pissed when you don't give him half of your 10 dollar pizza for nothing, are you being a jerk? If said friend ignores you for the next week because of it, is he wrong? I say yes. All the rest of my friends rag on me for the way I dress (which is ski/snowboard clothes, they're all preppy), but they'll buy a collared skate shirt simply because they want to look a little more badass, and then get offended and pissed at me when I call them posers (even when I say it in a very innocuous way.)
They got angry at me and ignored me when I smoked weed with some visiting cousins, and then they went and smoked weed while camping. When I go skiing with them, and I want to go the park, they call me GAY, and say that only fags do park and pipe. They're okay bump and steep skiers, and they're the only ones at my school, so I have to ski with them. One said he would be a better park skier than me, even though he only goes off the little ridges on the side of green runs.
They only want to hang out with girls at our school who have ZERO sexual interest in us, when they obviously only like us as friends. I suggest going out to find girls, but they refuse. They call me gay when I say 'pirates kick ass'. They said it would be gay if I got a longboard. They get pissed at me when I talk to the waitress at Chili's and flirt with her, saying that I was embarassing them (she was flirting back, and I'm not an ugly, ostentatious jerk). They get REALLY pissed when I speak intelligently, and use 'big' words, saying that only fags talk that way. They hate the bands I hate- FATA, AFI, Incubus, SOAD, BOB MARLEY, Rage, Audioslave, and when I say almost all rap sucks, they call me gay. They're backstabbing little motherfuckers, because they'll reveal any secret of yours, and then make fun of you for it (this happens to everyone in the group, not just me.) They're hypocrites, because they rail against anything that's ski/snowboard/skater related that I do, but if they see someone on TRL do it, they'll all of a sudden think it's cool. They dish out all the shit in the world, but when I return it, they got all pissed off and offended, and then will proceed to ignore me for at least a week, and talk shit about me behind my back. They're really stupid- you can't talk about any current event, political topic, historical topic, scientific topic, or cultural topic without getting dumbfounded looks and being told to shut up. All they want to do on the weekends is go to somebody's house and watch TV and talk, and shoot down any ideas I have (they won't even go out to the movies). They'll ditch you to hang out with a girl who doesn't like them, simply because she's a girl. They're really rich, (all drive at least 10,000 dollar cars), but deny they're rich, then tell you that you're rich too (no car, pay for my own clothes, have a full-time job, and live in a very small house- 2,800 sq ft.- but is in a nice neighborhood.) If you piss them off in any way, they talk shit about you, ignore you, and generally act in immature ways until they calm down 2 weeks later-literally. They act like they expect you to make sacrifices and act devoted to them as friends when they don't do the same, and will, surprise, get pissed when you don't. Plus, they're all very sensitive to any negative comments, and get all bent out of shape when you give them shit jokingly, they're basically big pussies who don't know how to act like real guys.
In general, they're stupid, whiny, annoying, immature hypocrites who talk shit and backstab.
I go to a small school where the social group below me is all nerds and goths, there are no snowboarders or skiers, the social group above me is all stuck-up preppies (only worse than my friends). All this stuff has been going on for the last year or so. So please tell me, am I by myself here, or is anyone else in a similar conundrum? And by the way, I live between Niwot and Boulder, Colorado, so if any cool skiers, or anybody cool at all for that matter wants to take pity on me, please do.
We have an old saying down on the bayou....Blehhhhh!!!