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170 Tanner Hall pro model good condition. Never used on urbans. mounted once at true center. 90 $$
Oakley Coat- Used 3 times XL
Sample Oakley Coat- Used 1 season Bought from Sammy C. XL- 120$
Oakley 3.6 puffy pants XL- No tears on heels or legs. Slight stain from nutting rail. 75$
Rare Billabong Pants L- 50$
Von Zipper Goggles- 40$
Smith Goggles- 15$
GameCube Comes with all cords except controllers- 40$
FujiFilm S3000 Digital Camera- Needs a Memory Card, Runs on 4 AA baterys 40$
Cannon Zr 80 Video Camera Heads need to be cleaned. Battery Charger Included 50$
Hyperlite Wakeskate- Used 1 season 50$
Ski Movies- 10 dollors each