Got back from IT two days ago. IT was fucking amazing! Well, two things were amazing, the scene and the music.
The scene: I loved it how everyone was just smoking pot, passing it around, and how everyone was just so kind to eachother and stuff. It was really cool to be able to smoke pot whenever you wanted and not having to worry about getting caught and the fact that IT was probally the coolest place a person can get high. I also really liked all the vendors selling stuff. It was really nice to see independent selling in places. If anyone was at IT, you know the scene i'm talking about and how awesome it was.
Music: Was incredible. They opened w/ the standard AC/DC bag...and then went on later playing Reba! That was the high point of the 1st night for me. Although 'Down with disease' was also awesome, as well as Bug.
2nd night: Everyone should get this show. They played an awesome Chalkdust Torture> Wilson(Shortest one ever). The 'Ghost' had an AMAZING fucking glowstick war, it was soo mind blowing.
After seeing Phish...i can defenitly see why people become obsessed and follow them on tour. Theres something about them...when the musics over you just want more and more and more.
Well anyways, i was camped out at M...where was everyone else who went?
Me: Yeah, all the hicks and stuff in are school make in the hallway its gross.
Sisters bf: Well, they don't care. Their not leaving town, their just like 'Fuck it.'
Sister: Yeah, thats how i feel about law school right now, 'Fuck it, make out in the hallway.'