I posted a lnk to this in another thread, but kids are lazy these days, or nobody clicks lnks for fear of getting Rick Roll'd. Anyways, it may or may not be called the JOI anymore, and I've heard talk of Simon teaming up w him on the event, but he's bringin it to the US. Get a fucking clue if you don't like it, the exposure for the true progression of the sport is what we need here, Jon knows it too.
From FS mag site 3/07
FS: How is the JOI different this year?
Jon: I think the biggest difference is that we have 2 events and new formats,
We added the Oakley nations Cup where the riders will compete in teams of 2 from each country skiing next to each other on the super wide jump, with I think will be spectacular. New with the JOI is that the riders will only be able to trow one trick once, which means that it will be very challenging for the riders but very entertaining for the crowd as they know that every run will be different from the one before.
FS: Who are some of the new faces to watch? Skiers from other countries outside of the Swedish and North American contingents?
Jon: I have invited a lot of new guys this year, since we have the nations cup we have a strong representation from central Europe, plus a few wild cards that I have invited after just seeing them ski in different resorts around the world, and off course we have the North American super pro crew with Sammy, TJ and Simon!
FS: How is it working with Freeskier as a sponsor? Are these guys a junk show or what?
Jon: Actually not, pretty on point I must say, but they have not arrived to Sweden and let loose in the bars. I will be able to say more after the event. From my experience Åre turns people crazy.
FS: Tell us exactly what a golden key gets an athlete. In your profile last year, it said it can get you anything in Are. Is this true? ANYTHING?
Jon: Not everything, this is what they get. I am working hard as we
speak to make this list EVEN BIGGER!
-Free food from the JOI menu!
-Free entrance all parties
-VIP line to Bygget, 2 rum, Versens
-VIP section with all free alcohol at Bygget
-BMW shuttle service 15.00- 02.30
-Gift bag( pretty darn good one)
-Lift tickets
-Ski school entrance in lift line
-Free pool at Tott
-Free gym at Tott
-Tons of chicks!!!
FS: Why is the JOI considered the athlete favorite?
Jon: Not sure but if that is true but I am stoked since I work very hard for it, but I guess it comes from me being a rider knowing what a rider wants!
FS: What's next for Jon Olsson? Anything new and exciting on the horizon?
Jon: Way to much stuff! A gallon of coffee a day and 4 hours of sleep have been the schedule for that last month seeing as I've been trying to get all future and existing stuff planed all together! I will not tell you the exact details, but expect a JOI event in North America for next year!