i just emailed that piggy.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Travis Hannon <soupedup69@yahoo.com>
To: bsouthard@cityhs.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:28:44 PM
Subject: Joey Williams
Bobby Southard-
Hello, I just watched a video (
about one of your cops, Joey Williams, who choked and publicly harasses
several innocent skaters, including a 13 year old boy. I understand its
unlawful to skate in your town (yea that makes sense) even on national
skate day, in fact i don't skate, i don't even like skating, but for
one of your cops to choke a 13 year old boy and choke a young girl and
another guy, its outrageous. who does that cop think he is? just
because he got all C's in high school, and became a cop, does not give
him the right to chock 13 year olds and young girls for doing nothing
that warranted that. how about a nice, "don't skate, or i will give you
a ticket" not choking and acting like a douche bag to the poor kids.
Then to make things worse, I know of several people who have called and
complained about Williams and your department hung up on them. so
obviously your state takes child abuse seriously. this just furthered
my believe that cops are power hungry pigs with double digit IQ's and
triple digit incomes, who were bullys in high school and when they
graduated, (with high C's) needed a way to continue to be an ass hole
to people. good jobs guys! keep up the good work.
-D. Sanchez