Replying to WTB: Help me pick out some skis
So I've decided that this year I need to man up and ski something that is actually close to my height. I'm about 190cm and 160 lbs and i've been skiing 175ish skis for the past three years, and I need a change. I ski Tahoe, mostly kirkwood and squaw, I'd say I'm 50% off trail, 40% on trail, and maybe 10% park when I go with my brother's boarder friends. I like to go fast, so I'm looking for something about 185-190cm and decently stiff. Nothing too park oriented, but I will probably mount close to center because of the length and hey, who doesn't like skiing switch on groomers...
I'm looking at these skis so far:
187 MSP's
188 Lib Tech NAS
190 First Bloods (I know nothing about this ski, but the dimensions seem cool)
Any suggestions or skis for sale would be awesome.
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