if stew mac's prices are a little steep, go to a local lumber yard that sells some exotic woods, i personally love mahogany, (honduran mahogany) if they have it, it's easy to cut, sounds amazing, it will add so much sustain and warm tones to an electric, then you can cap it with maple, or whatever you want. buying a piece from lumber yard would be best for neck woods, but you want to check the grain orientation on the end of the board to determine the strength of the board and how much it could move. the closer the grain lines are to straight up and down the better, this is known as quartersawn. as for websites, i am not to sure if there are many out there. check out
www.frets.com as a source for good info on repair and some on building. 'Make your own Electric Guitar' by Melvyn Hiscock is an informative start on the process. that's available from stew mac. another thing i forgot to mention in my last post was creating a template from your original drawing. preferably made of 1/4 plexiglass, cut it into the exact shape as your drawing, then when you have your body wood ready to shape, you double stick tape the template down to your wood and using a router, you can get the body down to your exact shape within a few minutes, then you just have to sand it to eliminate any inconsistencies and bumps.