I went to spain in April, we were at these clubs getting wasted and just chillen in Barcelona, anyways they basically dont like american kids that are around 18 there which i am so you get no respect there. We were haven a good time untill these english dudes started shit with us for no reason, this one guy, 6-4, probably 220, rocked my friend in the face, i saw it and immediatly jumped on him and started clocking him, the next thing i remember we were outside cus we got kicked out of the club. Later we were outside this strip were taxis pick people up, we saw the group again, and started arguing over the taxis and we went at it again, then, like 20 more people got in it and started kicking the absoulte shit out of everyone, it was crazy,people were on the groudn getting kicked in the face wit blood everywhere, i was with like 4 of my friends. The policia showed up and we somehow made it back to our hostel, the sun was rising thats how late it was. It was such a crazy funny experience and all my freidns got a kick out of it when i told them
anyone else hav`e any sick fighting stories