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If you could punch one celebrityh in the face
Posts: 1775
Karma: 16
i'd probably go with a tie between lindsay lohan and
Posts: 1775
Karma: 16
sorry messed up....and carlos mencia
Posts: 8358
Karma: 1,674
any boy band member, rosie o'donnel, oprah
Posts: 500
Karma: 19
i was gunna say either paris or akon but hitting rosie in the face would be amazing!
Posts: 4103
Karma: 4,488
Posts: 22441
Karma: 2,807
Posts: 3193
Karma: 2,629
Paris...ohh i would punch her soo hard
Posts: 61838
Karma: 125,540
Posts: 616
Karma: 256
Posts: 1775
Karma: 16
i hate paris too, and i'd definatly kick rosie in the nuts
Posts: 1260
Karma: 10
carson daly, without a doubt. biggest tool on the planet.
Posts: 500
Karma: 19
Posts: 23796
Karma: 13,017
wilder valdarama lol
guys so gay
Posts: 1782
Karma: 11
i honestly dont think i could just pick one, so many deserve it...as you all have shown already with this list, i would choose the same as you
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
colin farrell,, while hes playing the narcotics agent in some movie
Posts: 89
Karma: 10
Your just as fucking stupid as Bush if you think that a member of the Government is considered a celebrity...
Posts: 7931
Karma: 25,623
paris hilton. of course, that sort of blunt head trauma might actually make her smarter. but god damn i want to punch that bitch in the face.
Posts: 1119
Karma: 12
and tony cornheiser that cocksucking faggot piece of shit who thinks american sports are the only sports that matter
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
Posts: 3363
Karma: 365
oprah-she fat and overrated
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
Posts: 7931
Karma: 25,623
Posts: 4348
Karma: 83
Karl Rove
or Putin.
Or the Isreali PM.
Posts: 834
Karma: 14
Posts: 1629
Karma: 10
Posts: 6574
Karma: 81
not really a celebrity at all... but marcel or stephen from the show "Top Chef"
Posts: 22441
Karma: 2,807
yes i would totally punch marcel. he talks too much shit.
Posts: 1530
Karma: 23
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
Posts: 1443
Karma: 15
Conan Obrien Fuck I hate that guy!
Posts: 9691
Karma: 1,702
why carlos i want to punch you in the face
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
Rosie O donnell that fat hoe
Posts: 4103
Karma: 4,488
Oh, well I'm sorry. Last time I checked, he's in the American news more than probably any other person on the planet. If that's not a celebrity, I don't know what is. Are you saying politicians and people in places of power can't be celebrities? So what about Princess Diana and her sons?
Here are a few definitions of "celebrity" for you:
1. a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"
2. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed [syn: fame] [ant: infamy]
–noun, plural -ties for 1.
1. a famous or well-known person.
2. fame; renown
I believe Bush and many other government "officials" fit that definition; does they not? Thanks for that insightful post, though.
Posts: 470
Karma: 10
Posts: 6574
Karma: 81
i love it when people give her shit, she makes them look so stupid
Posts: 5584
Karma: 426
that lady on CNN who always debates every1
The guy who saig"Global Warming is a scam made up by the Weather Channel to make more money
not Paris but def Nicole Riche and Lindsay Lohan- her like 18 times
Posts: 4103
Karma: 4,488
Wow, I made myself look like an idiot by neglecting to completely change "does he not" to "do they not" when I added "and many other government officials". Bah. You get the point.
Posts: 1866
Karma: 37
Posts: 5736
Karma: 4,890
What's so bad about Sal?
He usually acts pretty chill
but yea, I'd go with carlos mencia for sure!
Posts: 9691
Karma: 1,702
your dumber than bush you dumbfuck seriously go kill yourself
Posts: 1807
Karma: 19
hahah yes! or carlos mencia that was already said above or nick cannon
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
he is such a tool and is annoying
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
Hannity and Colmes, right next to each other so that the one swing would broadside both of them.
Posts: 15967
Karma: 11,027
Posts: 2904
Karma: 92
Carlos Mencia is the best one I can think of right now
Posts: 3687
Karma: 39
Posts: 10636
Karma: 373
Posts: 1312
Karma: 12
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
donald trump. that guy fricken has a line of ties now. sell your business and retire seriously no one like your comb over and you have more money than youd ever want or use.
Posts: 2497
Karma: 17
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