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All Edits From 2006/2007 Season
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Hello Everyone,
I make ski videos! YAY! Im here today to show you some of the dicking around uber funny fall crash bizzarre whatever edits ive made for Tramdock.com this season (no, im not a sellout). If you like them, great, if you hate them, great...to each his own.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
myspace is gay, never, ever use that site.
Posts: 3128
Karma: 179
how did you get tramdock to pay you for edits?
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
They came to me, long story. Basically they just saw my movie New Dialect from last year and decided to use me as advertising material. Works for me right? Im lovin' it!
Posts: 2659
Karma: 20
i wonder how fucking baked they were, i heard handycams are the new HDV
Posts: 2923
Karma: 13
i agree tho, alright skiing, but not sponsor quality
try shooting in sunlight, every video on tehre but one is overcast
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Do you honestly think I would use my really good movie footage in these edits...honestly...im uploading my full movie once everyone here in Calgary has seen the dvd and then youll change your remark.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Posts: 6974
Karma: 79
Pretty cool stuff, you should find something that will let you do better quality than google video.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Myspace is the shit, seeing as how I have a bunch of out-of-state friends who don't use the same IM program as I do.
Myspace is cool until you find one nihilist emo kid, look at his profile, then look at all his emo friends, then his emo friends, etc. until pretty soon you are lost in a pit of virtual emo-ness.
Posts: 876
Karma: 10
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
thats a big claim considering your movie isnt made. You seem a little over confident though....and you dont use any form of color correction or do you know how to? That will drastically improve your quality, also it looked like some of your shots were filmed on auto focus, because a skier would do something, but another skier in the background would go by and draw away the focus.
I wish i would've knew about the tramdock thing, i needed money badly last year.
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
also i wouldnt use slow mo, cuz it makes it super choppy, idk if you have the option to choose to film at a higher shutter speed or not, but that may help clean up your shots when you try and put them in slow mo
Posts: 2047
Karma: 367
yo suohuld have atleast thrown some A quality footage in there... cus not a ton of people are gunna watch your edits if its all B qual. and then you dont get as much tramdock moneyyy
Posts: 3687
Karma: 39
Posts: 1554
Karma: 1,103
hahahahaha.... i hate when that happens
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
I hope Jeffo_Lo reads this.
I'm in no way trying to defend my work by saying what im going to say, im just saying this to fill you in on what ive been doing.
I edited these probably 30-45 minutes each for Tramdock. I didnt do any color correction (yes, i know how). I dint measure slow mo (just used the automatic length feature) because i was lazy i know how to make it not choppy, its fine...youll see) and ive made good ski movie before so i am extremely confident about my upcoming one. Good footage, much better quality, more riders...better music...jesus, its gonna be good. Not hyping just saying.
About these, they were made in short periods of time with little to no effort. My friends likes them, the guys i filmed with liked them and i hope you enjoyed them. Thx
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Posts: 800
Karma: 19
hey that andrew taylor guy is the 1620 kid
Posts: 2894
Karma: 40
I don't know how you can edit something and put no effort in. When I put something together I like to take the time that it at least looks somewhat decent.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
doesnt it though? i mean, at least somewhat?
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
Posts: 2659
Karma: 20
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
right on man hope its good, but saying "jesus its going to be good" about something that isnt even finished yet is hard to claim. infact your almost praising yourself. chill out a little bit and put it out and actually edit it before you say something to that extent. Not saying confidence is bad, but you dont want to get a big head, you'll lose alot more friends that way as well.
And why not put effort into them? You never know whos watching...as well as the fact your representing a corporation like tramdock with videos like that. Landis and others put alot of work into them. I have a hard time understanding why they would let you edit something to represent them with the mental attitude that your not even going to try and make it look good.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Im gonna be honest with you. i put in as much effort as i could on those with the software i was using, thats not much. I put effort into the first couple...My good editing software (adobe premiere elements/final cut) arent working cuz my computer is overfilled so they wont install properly for some reason. Maybe its the disks? You might be able to help me on that so p.m. me or something. Asfor the big headedness, yeah...agree. i tend to do that sometimes. Im not hyping my movie cuz chances are it wont really be seen by that many people but hey, im stoked on the ideas in my head, now i just gotta lay them down on here.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
I think what Jeff is saying is nothing is for certain. I mean you never know what shit can come your way, so if you are to make a good movie, why not wait until its done? Imagine if Ostness hyped the shit out of the TBC sequel when he thought of some good ideas, then found to his dismay that he couldn't get the funding? That leaves the viewers short and your production company becomes less reputable.
Like with me and NEON. I am not sure it will be the best AM movie. In fact I'm pretty certain that many people will hate my ideas because there will not be a single rap song, or a buttload of urban (I'm not even sure if I want to have urban in it at all) in it. I find the best approach to hyping your own creation is to let some sort of sample or manifestation from the actual piece itself, speak for itself (i.e. a teaser).
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
well if you put so much effort into it, why did you say you didnt put effort into it? you keep changing your mind man. My confusion is regarding whether your using a PC of a Mac, you cant even run FCP on a PC, i'm sure you know just clearing that up for you incase you didnt know. But dont doubt your abilities either just let what you do speak for you and go from there.
Posts: 1525
Karma: 163
not speaking personally to your edits cause i havent watched them, this is more just in general. if you need final cut or premier to make something good its probabbly not stuff worth watching in the first place. too much emphasis is put on having the right 3ccd camera or having final cut by kids on newschoolers. some talent, a handycam, and imovie could make one hell of an edit 99% of newschoolers wouldnt be able to make out from some expensive shit.
Posts: 1194
Karma: 87
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
I see where you're coming from, but honestly, you need higher end programs to make movies with good editing...that is, if it is one of those over-edited vids like mine haha
Posts: 0
Karma: 350
yes, you need a really good editing proggy for an edit like yours, which are absolutly amazing because you can see how much time is put into it.
most edits, like this guys, seem like a bunch of clips, thrown together and with a song title added. i'd say about 70% of NS edits out there have the same type of deal, clips plus song.
Big companies that sell their product quite well, you can see so much time put into the short teasers, that you know the movie will be amazing. If you put a bunch of clips together, mix up some short edits and say, my movie will be great and alot better then my edits...just doesn't cut it. when people are iffy on your edits, they won't want to be iffy on purchasing a movie. not sure if your selling, just a heads up.
Posts: 8830
Karma: 214
um no myspace is a terrible terrible website.
if you want to network with friends, use
No spam/hackers/viruses
Crisp clean looking pages
100000x better
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
i use a pc and a mac...my mac has my final cut for titles and shit. my pc has my adobe premiere elements and all my music/other shit.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
....you use final cut for titles?
furthermore, why do you even use premiere elements if you have final cut?
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
the first video was so cliche i couldn't watch more than 2 minutes of it
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
i said not on these edits, and i prefer using premiere elements because of the simplicity of it. sometimes after effects freaks me out.
Posts: 1386
Karma: 251
Dude, who makes your teal suit?
Posts: 1639
Karma: 266
Posts: 1386
Karma: 251
Posts: 2659
Karma: 20
yeaaaa... final cut for titles hmmmm... haha maybe LIVETYPE 2.0??
trust me, your alot more legit than this kid bro.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
I can assure you that once you take some tutorials and get comfortable with AE, you will never want to make an edit without it. In my upcoming edit, I did extensive After Effects work with every title that appeared because I had to do motion tracking and vector painting.
I also made a lot of lifestyles look like super8, so I had to posterize time and fuck with gamma curves so yea. AE is bomb.
Posts: 1386
Karma: 251
damn dude. You've got this editing thing on lock.
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