Ahren says:
no idea. it was like 1300 bucks
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
oh nice
Ahren says:
thats all i know but its pretty good
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
Ahren says:
lots of filming going down
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
for sure
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
i was telling mark
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
we gotta do some rehearsing for this like plan some types of shots nights before
Daneuur - 2 days of school..as if High town in 13 -- bioo says:
like ways to move the camera and stuff
Ahren says:
yeah. and now we can get multiple shits
Ahren says: