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you should see what he has said and done for about aipac and said about a war with iran. he supports israel as strongly as any neocon. he would not get rid of the federal reserve and the income tax. he would make the government bigger which is not what we need. he has admitted to using cocaine.
please tell me why you would vote for him over Ron Paul? kucinich and gravel are better democrats then obama. i would even say edwards would be better then obama
Because ron paul doesnt stand a chance. It will be obama or hillary. No matter how much I would like the lessers to win, they won't, because your vote doesn't matter. Political power is bought, not won.
Obama has the correct beliefs, but you have to compromise if you want to actually have a chance of winning. He has to swing the mainstream view and compromise to the young indies. We know his viewpoint but he's doing his best to win popular with phrases like 'We have an awesome god in the south, blah blah. We have a few gay friends in the red states, blah blah.' The man is simply playing the game.
he has a great chance but fucktards like you would rather have a puppet like obama. YOU DONT HAVE TO COMPROMISE!!! FUCK THAT SHIT! there is one reason that should jump out at everyone, ron paul is against the income tax, thats not his best selling point but it should be one of the most grabbing. with no income tax you would not lose tens of thousands of dollars each year from your salary. no other candidate has said they would do the same. he is agasint a bug federal government. obama isnt. he is agasint pre emptive war. obama isnt. he is against regulating the internet. obama isnt. dont support obama just because he is a democrat and bush has been a shitty republican.
"Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing"
Obama,Hilary,Giuliani,Romney,Mccain and all the other candidates with the exception or Ron Paul , Kucinich and Gravel have not dismissed the idea of premptivley nuking iran. just watch the debates! they say nothing should be taken off the table when specifically asked about nuclear weapons. yet america STILL SUPPORTS THESE PEOPLE!?!?!? WHY?!?!?! zionism is key when it comes to the 08 nominees stance on israel.
You DO have to compromise. You know why? Because the 95% of people who vote do so based on a set of like... 5 factors. 5 Factors that have little to nothing to do with being a good president. Religion, Appearance, Conservative ratio, Personality, Partyline. The media has already decided that they will not lend Ron Paul any credabiliy. Abolishing an income tax is retarded. REFORMING it, is not.
But america is pretty hopeless. Not just because of the government, but because of the laziness and complacency of the people. The outcome of the next election is completely inconsequential.
first off obama hasnt even finished 1 term in the senate yet!!! all this talk about president is so premature. maybe in 2012 or 2016 he may have a chance. john edwards will be the democratic nomonee. i am willing to put money on that right now!!!! it doesnt matter though the republicans will still win.
seniority in the senate should be of zero importance here. Sure Obama is still in his first term as a US senator, but already he has had a huge impact and has done plenty. And before that, Obama has been a state senator since 1996. and before that, he was a constitutional law lecturer at the university of chicago law school. and before that he was a law student at harvard law. and before that, he was a political science and international relations major at columbia university. i think Obama is plenty qualified since he has been involved in politics in and out of the senate since the late 70s.
being a law student shouldnt be something used as a credential for president. in the late seventies he was a teenager so i dont think highschool politics mattere eiter. why dont you address his premptive war stance on iran? i dont know how you can support someone like that.
dangerous opinions need to be confronted. nuking iran would gurantee this countries downfall. its very confusing that so called "liberals" support someone who has said nothing should be taken off the table with iran even nuclear first strikes. fuck him and fuck obama supportes. wake the fuck up is he pro war.
iran is a democratic country, and no matter how hard the media tries to make them seem to be evil that fact wont change. also the president said israels leadership should be wiped out, not the actual state but that is twisted and used by the media and the government.
Find me where Obama said "Let's Nuke Iran!" Last time I checked I saw that he had said that he wouldn't rule out FORCE, assuming sanctions didn't work. If you have a source that says otherwise, please show me, becuase I haven't seen it. No sarcasm on that, I simply haven't seen it.
And are you just oblivious to the fact that other people have different opinions on what this country needs or are you just too thick headed to accept it?
he was asked at a democratic debate if he would rule out nuking iran and he said it shouldnt be taken off the table. and whoever thinks we should use nukes , for any situation is a piece of shit and should be fuckin shot.
I don't remember that being part of his answer and I'm pretty sure that everybody in both debates (NOT RON PAUL! there, I said it for you, now you don't have to type it) answered with their own answers and said what they wanted to say, even if it didn't particularly address the question. You need to get it through your head that people have different opinions than you and just accept it. Jeez kid.
Barack Obama said while it would be a "profound mistake" to pick a fight with Iran, Iran's possession of nuclear weapons would be "a major threat" to us and to the region. "If we have nuclear proliferators around the world that potentially can place a nuclear weapon into the hands of terrorists, that is a profound security threat for America and one that we have to take seriously," said Obama.
I forgot to finish that post - the point of that quote is to show that he is NOT PRO-WAR, just as a pro-choicer isn't 'pro-adoption.' Just becuase you aren't against something doesnt mean you're a supporter. Obama, as many of the other candidates, say that they won't take anything off of the table because they know that you cannot predict what will happen in the future. They are SMART ENOUGH to say that they will not take anything off of the table because in the very serious situation in which Iran DOES threaten our country or others to an extent that cannot be fixed with sanctions, basic military force, etc, they know that sometimes there is just no other option.
Now I understand what you believe, and that is that anybody who supports nucleur force should be shot in the face (though you may want to rethink your wording, as it is a bit lame), I don't believe that nucleur force should be taken off of the table because we NEVER KNOW when a situation may arise in which we need them. I can't think of any particular situation and I pray to God that there is NEVER such a situation, but to eliminate the possibility is nothing more than a restriction and a leash.
last one - and while I didn't catch the word 'nuke' in the question (or at least don't remember hearing it), I wrote that response to include the use of nukes on your word that that was the case.
nukes ended the biggest war of all time.
you can't say for sure that they will never be needed again.
and he never advocated the use of nukes, doing that would be political suicide and he would be shunned, and rightfully so. but you can never rule out force. there are situations where force and conflict is absolutely necessary for the well-being of innocent people. he isn't pro-war, nobody's pro-war. obama is just reasonable enough to know that sometimes war is necessary. and unlike bush, he'll be able to determine when/if it is necessary.
and you sound a little pro-war yourself with the death threats, eh?
your right he did it to pander to the hair trigger inbreds in the south. Which I am fine with. He wont get elected if he dosen't make them feel like they are in control.