i think i might be falling into another zelda craze.
every twenty eight days, baby!
i've got the impression my facebook notes aren't read very much. i'm sure of it, i have a habit of cleaning up my news feed so nobody knows what i'm up to. well, fraser sure knows. hey! did i ever end up introducing you to dex?
thanks for staying with me through all those!
i guess what i'm saying is that i've gotten myself a blog.
yep! i'm not a cool photographer. i'm not a pro skier. i'm not much of an artist, either. well, artist is a pretty vague term. believe me, i'm not french! but how do you say it in english... "art plastique". i'm not good at that.
anyway, i don't really have too much to offer besides my current thoughts, troubles and tickles. maybe some of the future and past varieties, too! i'll post some pictures from time to time to save my fingers from adolescent arthritis, and i might talk a bit about my taste buds in music and what makes them tingle. we'll see.
thank you for your time!