I have a nasa freak in my study hall and i have devised my own conspiricy theory. We never landed on the moon, well we did, but the moon is a big cardboard half sphere held togethor by duct tape and pvc pipe. The moon is atached to the earth from a little string located at area 51 and the moon moves because there are 3 little midgets on those fitness bike. But the bikes are like the hotrods of fitness bikes, the fans are turned so that the fans will propel the "moon" through out space folowing our earth. We have gone up there on a few occasions because, well, every one has to eat and the midgets are no exeption. You have all heard the saying that the moon is made of cheese? Well this saying lays in fact because the fact is the only times we have gone up there is to replace a midget or to recover the "moon" in cheese for the midgets to eat.
I under stand this logic may be above some of you so please post your questions and i shall prove i am right