Replying to Homeless Kicked Out of the Skatepark..
Yeah as the title says..
We were out skating last night, & there was this chill dude just riding; talked to us a couple times, descent looking, clean, this that. He was mad good too. There was a photographer taking some shots, & asked him to be in a couple of his.
So two hours or so pass by, it's nearing 8, effing hot out, & we see some park police along w. actual cops approaching. I head off to grab my bag, cuz I had some of my friends bud stashed inside.
So we notice the park police approach the dude, & ask him to leave. What, cuz he had a sleeping bag with him? All he was doing was skating; he wasn't pan handling, dealing, stoned, or being a nuissance to others. Is there no respect for the less fortunate? As he skated off, you basically heard half the park 'Boooo' at the cops. Fuck, why would they even bother? Do they not have anything better to do?
Worst part being, there was guy dealing crystals about 30 feet away. & They ask the homeless dude to leave.
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