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Fuck the NBA Draft Lottery
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
As a celtics fan all I wanted was #1 or 2 and some how fell all the way to #5 despite the 2nd worst record in the NBA. This shit is soo gay. A team with about a 0% chance gets the fucking #1 pick.
Posts: 1920
Karma: 182
wow soooo gay so much for greg oden being a celtic
Posts: 7819
Karma: 417
what, we got 5th? the celtics are my home team but i cant stand watching them. who will we likely get then?
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
if they keep it they'll likely go with Brandon Wright from UNC, Al Horford from Florida or Yi Jialian from Japan, all power forwards who will likely play well with Al Jefferson down low, but god damnit, it's not Oden or Durant.
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
oh and there's a good chance they will package the pick with another player to get a veteran in order to satisfy Paul Pierce
Posts: 4210
Karma: 124
If Mike Conley goes to the Knicks I will be estatic.
Posts: 1920
Karma: 182
memphis tanked ten times worst and im convinced its all brian scallabrinis fault how the fuck did that guy make it into the nba???
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
trade pierce + gerald green + #5 pick to portland for the #1. Actually if I was Portland I wouldn't trade that #1 pick for anything right now
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
i was pissed when i saw them get 5, oden with jefferson down low woulda been nasty, i hope they can hang onto jefferson still though
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
no words could describe how nasty that WOULD have been
Posts: 1271
Karma: 117
David Stern Hit-man fundraiser cult?
Posts: 80
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GO SEATTLE SUPERSONICS!!! kevin durant is ours baby
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
Posts: 3945
Karma: 26
the knicks lost their pick to the bulls, as part of the curry trade. they dont get a chance at connely.
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
plus the last thing the knicks need is another pg
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
oh and let me just say greg oden looks like a black neanderthal
Posts: 28699
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Posts: 3800
Karma: 452
bucks got fucked over also
Posts: 85
Karma: 10
that would be retarded. just trading pierce alone is good enough to get the #1 pick aka Oden. We need to get ridda pierce and let gerald develop further. NO MORE GUARDS!
the celts are also retarded for releasing telfair, who had some trade value to him.
but the 5th pick is definitely shitty. maybe we can score Yi cuz we're a legit big man away from being a threat in the playoffs and he looks athletic as hell for a 7 footer.
Posts: 702
Karma: 130
ya dude i wish the celtics could just catch a break
Posts: 20
Karma: 10
Rashard Lewis is a free agent.
Posts: 61860
Karma: 125,701
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
thats all true except Yi isnt gonna be a legit big man, hes a face to the basket guy, not a paint pressence
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
i looooooooooove the draft lottery! thanks to it we are in the eastern finals against detroit!
Posts: 2253
Karma: 21
Dude the Celtics got totally boned. Fuck 5th.
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
hahaha fuck Celtics! That's what they get for not firing their dumb ass coach a year ago and instead decided to re-sign him this year. He is easily one of the worst coaches in the NBA.
Posts: 6105
Karma: 248
fuck yea Portland! Rip City is comin back baby!
Posts: 1416
Karma: 526
hell yea killwaukee #6!! jea jea.
Posts: 2210
Karma: 12
i thought yi whatshisname was from china?
Posts: 85
Karma: 10
true. he is more of a Dirk, which we could use. but i say trade pierce to the wolves for KG. i'd love to see KG as a Celtic.
Posts: 2307
Karma: 293
the celtics got absolutely screwed, why can't the nab just do it like the nfl and just go in order of worst to best.
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
correct, but the chinaman is not the issue here, dudr
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
yeah, im almost ready to get rid of pierce, maybe we sacrifice this season too to get roy hibbert next year, maybe draft conoly this year and then in a couple years go with green, hibbert, conoly, jefferson and company, jefferson is deffinetly key though
Posts: 1271
Karma: 117
there is way to much time to tank in the NBA, they should use the NFL system but the bottom 2 teams are dropped out of the league for 2 D-League teams or somethin..like the UEFA
if would never ever work but that would be sick..players like Marbury have to play in the D-league for a year...so much pressure
Posts: 921
Karma: 100
its cool the celts will probably get the japanese dude hes the next yao ming but quicker and with better perimeter shooting
Posts: 3945
Karma: 26
you are talking about the celtics, right? have you seen a game since larry bird retired?
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
i seem to remember a few playoff years in a row and a conference championship series in that span, including the 26 point 4th quarter comeback game(i skipped half my senior prom on accident cause i didnt wanna pull away from that game) but seriously, pierce was hurt and uninspired this past season, with a legit big man he would turn it up a notch and prolly put up 26pts, 8 rebs, and 6assts a game, couple a good center with jefferson underneath and i think they shoot to one of the top 3 in the weak east w/ det and cle
Posts: 3945
Karma: 26
alright, i may have overspoke, but any team that delibrately tanks the end of a season deserves to be relegated, not rewarded. i'm glad they didnt get a good pick. chumps.
Posts: 60
Karma: 10
Posts: 4565
Karma: 10
you are over-vauling the fuck out of paul pierce. He's going to be 30 yrs old and first you say he alone is worth oden. NO FUCKING WAY, not one team in their right minds would trade oden, possibly one of the best centers ever at 19 yrs old, for paul peirce. Then you say the t-wolves would trade kg for pierce straight up, again, no way that would ever happen. If the wolves trade KG, it's for young talented players with low contracts.
by the way I fucked up Yi is from china not japan, my bad
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
agreed, pierce no longer has superstar trade value while oden prolly has more trade value than anyone right now.
but he still has good stuff left in his tank, he could put up mvp numbers if he had a consistent post pressence(jefferso is getting there) and a dece. PG to feed him and not try to get their own shot
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
You are smoking rocks kid. Oden had a decent season with Ohio State and to call him one of the best centers ever at 19 is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You have been sucked in by the hype machine and can't even think straight. Oden has all the potential in the world to become one of the best, but there have been plenty of guys with tons of potential that have been busts. Give him a few years to see what he can do in the NBA first and then jump on his nuts.
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
Once again you don't know what you are talking about, even the shittiest GM (McHale) in NBA will not trade KG for young unproven talent. Think about what you are proposing there for a second.
Posts: 2024
Karma: 93
haha so true, remember Yinka Dare? but oden wont be a bust, he played last year LEFT HANDED
and the wolves most certainly would trade for unproven talent, they demanded the lakers include Andrew Bynum in any trade for garnett
Posts: 438
Karma: 10
I don't care what hand he played with, he is a man child that was playing in college, the only guy that he was matched up with was Hibbert. Everybody else that he played against would be an undersized power forward in the NBA. I'm not knocking on him, but lets be realistic and see what he can do in the big league.
First of all Garnett will never be traded from Minny until he says so. Second what good for a team to trade their super-star, a team leader to start re-building the team and be not in contention for the play offs for the next three to four years. This isn't eastern conference buddy where a mediocre young ass team can make play offs. Third if Wolves offered Garnett to the Lakers for Bynum, Odom, Evans and some one else that deal would of been done in a millisecond.
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