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B.C. is an unreachable aspect for most of the skiing community
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
the B.C. is very expensive and the majority of skiers will never get to experience helly trips and cat skiing. Tanner needs to get that through his thick skull, just because most of us are happy skiing parks and have a blast doing so doesn't mean that we aren't sick great skiers, we're just doing what we like and thats fine. I know we'd all love to go to canada or alaska and ski pow but in reality it will never happen unless we become rich dentists or sick pros. So F$$# Tanner and the rest of the pros who hate on park, thats whear the soul of the sport is and is going. just had to do that, big ups to all the pros who are true to park and enjoy it
dig it.
Posts: 1730
Karma: 315
ha, anyone who thinks it unobtainable is an idiot. get a sled, you could find one for like 2-3 grand, a good one to. And if your going to fucking bitch about money, try not smoking or drinking for a while and see how much money you save. and dont buy a new one. further more you will prob have to hike to the gnar shit. BC is reachable unless you live in the midwest. And if still cant afford a sled, go hike. Theres a lot of shit thats within prob an hour or so close to a resort or mountain pass. quit bitching.
Posts: 915
Karma: 468
you can finance a snowmobile for less a month than you spend on food per week. In fact, if most people didn't drink beer, that would more than pay for a monthly payment. LESS BITCHING LESS BITCHING LESS BITCHING
Posts: 149
Karma: 46
attention whore thread and almost not worth posting in it, but what the hell...
anything from a long weekend to working a season somewhere like whistler or in the alps is doable for 90% of people. age, location, and available cash are irrelevant.
Posts: 1396
Karma: 788
The original statement of this thread is full of shit. You got 1 retarded point of view and assume the entire fucking world is like your pathetic situation.
Like people said: work, travel, hike.
I've been heliskiing, I've been cat skiing, I've hiked mountains, I've been to Chamonix, La Grave, Zermatt and many more famous expensive mountains, I've skied on 3 continents. BUT IN THE END THE BEST BC SKIING I'VE DONE IN MY LIFE was accessed from a dumb old chairlift and using the advice of some locals, in resorts that are fuckall famous for BC. Look around on skipass.com, there's tons of photo-reports of people hiking the most ridiculous BC in cheap unknown resorts.
And tell me how is it expensive to drive up some mountain pass with a couple of shovels in your car and build a kicker?
Posts: 2611
Karma: 25
98% of pro skiers came from ABSOLUTELY LOADED FAMILIES.
If you are not from a crazy wealthy family, getting into the ski scene is gunna be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry difficult.
Posts: 3819
Karma: 79
Posts: 2033
Karma: -3
It is unobtainable for many because they don't have the skills required or knowledge to make it safe. There are people who come out from the east coast or midwest, or denver and ski loveland pass because they think it is just like the resorts. There is an infinite number of fucking idiots up there with day passes hanging off their jackets with their bro attitudes who are going to fucking die because they don't understand that BC isn't controlled like resorts.
Posts: 480
Karma: 39
yes, and to get to the good stuff you can't use a snowmobile. Unless you're building a kicker or something
Posts: 1730
Karma: 315
ya, if your post stupid threads like this you prob dont have what it takes to go into the BC. you must have a brain and know how to use it
Posts: 1969
Karma: 39
You are truly retarded, your profile says you live in Denver which is 45 minutes from Loveland and Berthoud passes which is the easiest car accesable B.C. in Colorado. Why don't you get off of your lazy ass, stop talking shit ( and getting fucking owned by the way) buy a beacon, take an avvy class, and learn what real skiing is all about - BITCH!!!1!!1
Posts: 915
Karma: 468
Posts: 2862
Karma: 19
yea, i 100% disagree w/ you
Posts: 880
Karma: 28
park relli the onli thing i have access to. unless i go to a club field. then theres powder for 2-3 days after a storm.
so epic
Posts: 1802
Karma: 13
you just got owned by a gromet!
Posts: 759
Karma: 33
im pretty sure almost everybody comes with a Chevy 2 Legs
Posts: 3469
Karma: 42
1. shut up your just complaining about how you dont get to ski pow
2. go hike a run its more rewarding to earn your turns
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
look at every movie bascilly from 98 to 2003 mainly all park...
Posts: 4081
Karma: 1,640
sorry, but waht does that point have to do with the subject?
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
people are saying that park isnt getting enough respect, and tanner isnt showing enuff respect. pretty stright forward
Posts: 4081
Karma: 1,640
alright i can dig it. so are you essentially trying to say that the reason why these people are moving away from the park scene is that theyre kind of over it. thats sort of how i see it. if youve been skiing park for 5-6 years + youd be pretty over it as well.
Posts: 1378
Karma: 138
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
For sure. That makes me think of the fact that park skiing isn't even what it used to be. Parks are so much better nowadays then when skiiers first started skiing park, however, if I remember correctly jumps used to be bigger? Am i crazy to say that? It seemed there was a time when jumps just kept getting bigger and bigger at parks every year with huge channel gaps, and they just sort of capped off or even shrunk.
For someone like Tanner, who has been hitting park jumps since Freeskiing beginnings, you can see how he would be over the shit. There probably isn't a jump built in a park today that is a far cry from something he has hit in his past. The BC is practically limitless though. So much terrain, and so many options for building jumps that aren't limited by insurance.
Posts: 2926
Karma: 983
Posts: 1696
Karma: 328
Posts: 1448
Karma: 14
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
Posts: 915
Karma: 468
Posts: 21463
Karma: 683
while the BC may be expaensive and unreachable, thankfully your mom is not. in fact shes quite cheap and easy
Posts: 915
Karma: 468
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
that really has nothing to do with the thread
Posts: 2837
Karma: 111
Posts: 613
Karma: 98
i trip out waaaay harder on mushrooms in the bc. the resort has this annoying sound every ten seconds, "drop."
Posts: 4081
Karma: 1,640
you obviously dont know what your talking about.
Posts: 7921
Karma: 25,508
park features mimic BC. not the other way around.
Posts: 1911
Karma: 156
so you make a thread, you make fuckin weak atempts to prove what you satrted and then further increas you image of a fuckbag by bitching about hungry sloth. then, after your weak argument has been ripped to shreds by the people who acatually know 1 or 2 things about skiing, you try to regain some of the brownie points you lost by saying that park is where the soul of skiing is.
Posts: 2308
Karma: 13
just suck it up and move out west if you really care about skiing backcountry that much. its easily accesible from your resorts chairlift. and if you say you cant afford the equipment then get a job. its not that complicated....
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
Tanner Hall QQ'ed to me qersonally about this thread, thought I'd bump it up!!!
oh let the hate begin
Posts: 2862
Karma: 19
bc skiing is going to blow up in the next couple of years.
Posts: 1036
Karma: 36
i agree to an certain extent i mean if u live were there is no bc then ur screwed. So u perfer to ride park to the rest of the mountian. If u live outwest u can hike and find ways to ski the bc. Also almost every mountian has some sort of bc u just have to know were to look.
Posts: 3049
Karma: 300
well, i live near nyc, and on both my trips to utah and colorado, there was no epic pow, just 6 inches to a foot, so ill have to try agian for some good bc
Posts: 5756
Karma: 49
Posts: 874
Karma: 17
and now its moving into the backcountry cause thats where the sports moving
Posts: 4801
Karma: 868
I think its rediculous that some kids hate on great park skiers yet making fun of seth cause he can't pretzel a rail would be unheard of. Being well rounded is great, but not everything. Take the oppurtunities you get. Some kids ride park on pow days.......but then again that maybe whats chill for them
Posts: 1705
Karma: 389
i live in ontario too and completley agree.But i when i went out west it was the year with no snow.I get fucked over a lot.
Posts: 255
Karma: 10
I live in BC, but I went to university in London, Ontario. I'm sorry to say I had a free pass to Boler and only used it once. No park. 10 seconds to the bottom...
I heard Blue's not bad though...and Ontario's not far from Tremblant...
Missed the mountains and the ocean the whole time I was out east.
Posts: 4569
Karma: 104
this thread should be deleted, biznach might not be right but he should be allowed to express his opinion without being labelled as an igorant douchebag. everyone jsut needs to relax a little
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