So theres alot of money I need to come up with this summer for college expenses next year, So i gotta part ways with some of my stuff. I thought who better than my good friends on Newschoolers to take them home!
Razor Limited Edition Genesys rollerblades
I wish I could still use them but my leg injury has put me out of comission. Usually sold for 250 or so Id sell them for 125 + shipping.

Oakley Anorak Jacket Size; XL Color:Olive Green
I dont wear it nearly as much as I used to. In geat condition. Very strong material. I will sell it for $100 + shipping

Aliance Jacket Size: XL Color: Grey
Never wore it once! I got it cheap but never ended up taking it out. $25
+ shipping

Anon Figments Color: White
I love these goggles they fit great. I got a new pair so I will sell these for $20 + shipping

Dynastar Trouble Makers Size: 183
I rode these for a while, fun poppy ski. Great for park and pretty much anything else. Edges in very good condition. $50 + shipping.

underfoot edges
If anyone is interested in anything listed message me. I'll update on this who has bought or is going to buy anything. Prices can vary if you inquire. I may do trades depending on the deal.