Well last night my friend got nailed with a DUI over nothing. We had been having dinner at his house and he and I had both had a glass of wine with dinner. We're both from Chile and we're both 18 and we enjoy our Chilean wines. So anyway we head off to this party afterwards but neither of us planned on drinking just because the party was real sketch as far as fears of cops coming because of too many people. We leave and decide to have a kickback at his place, and after picking up a couple of 40s and a handle of vodka we plan on heading back there with a few more friends. He drops me off at my car because I had to drop my girl off at home.
Next thing I know I'm getting a phone call from another friend of mine saying that he had been pulled over by the cops. They breathalized him, which he failed with a BAC of around .03-.04 and they found the booze in the car. Last I heard he was being bailed out of the yolo county jail by his mom and my friend who called me. Now he's going to be facing DUI charges and revoked liscence, which will seriously fuck up his prospects of getting to and from a decent job this summer. Not to mention the ridiculous fine he will have to pay and damage on his criminal record.
In conclusion, I would just like to say fuck you to MADD and all the other American prohibitionist movements and most of all, the American lawmakers. Fuck you for having having the insolence to think that you have the right to be the only country in the world that treats your young adults like 2nd class citizens, able to see action in Iraq and Afghanistan and watch people blown apart but not able to enjoy a glass of wine without getting fucked.
And another fuck you to the overzealous cops and their over enforcement of unjust laws. Fuck you for being the assholes you are, thinking you can fuck up normal peoples lives, over the most trivial bullshit. Fuck you for bringing out four patrol cars to screw over my friend, when there were probably many more people driving around who were actually drunk, who got away with it because you were so busy screwing someone innocent. You are the ones who give a bad name to cops who fight real crime and real criminals.
This has really not been my week.