first off if you look at capitalism and communism (socialism) they're ECONOMIC systems, not political systems per se.
you rarely find either practiced to the extreme, even in China where it is working, it is not pure communism, there is still individual ownership and initiative at the bottom. where as in the US most businesses and such are privately owned, but certain ones ARE operated by the govt. such as the USPS.
as for capitalism and rights, the idea is that the people who succeed are the ones who work harder, now i realize that it doesn't work perfectly, some people are born to wealthy parents, and take for granted the wealth that their PARENTS or Grandparents earned.
here's how one of my social studies teachers described communism however
you have two farms producing the same crop for the national distribution or whatever. both farms have three large silos.
one group works their asses off making as much as they can, at times they may be working 10 hour days and such. they eventually have a large surplus
the other farm however does very little, the workers slack off, sleep till noon, then work until 5 pm. they barely have enough to fill one silo.
the surplus from Farm A will be used to fill Farm B's silos, they will then sell their product at the same rates.
What gives Farm B the right to have just as much as Farm A?
Farm A worked harder, why shouldn't they use the money from the surplus to build more silos?
eventually both would begin to slack, there would be little to no reason for Farm A to work hard, and eventually production would drop, and the govt would have to assign more farms to produce that crop, possibly taking that output from other crops needed. see where the chain is going?
yes i realize that it's usually not as "black and white" as that, and so does my teacher, however it is a look at one angle of it.
sorry, didn't mean to get on such a rant...
but basically, there's no perfect system right now...