Determination in his eyes,
like a predator spotting it’s prey.
Bumps down before him,
Only to get in his way.
He’ll have to make it down alive,
for the course is long and deep.
Don’t fall like a crash test dummy, he says,
The course is super steep.
His poles will swing beside him,
Coming to life like a set of legs.
Sprinting down the course,
Not cracking like an egg.
He will take off in the air,
Have a nice little flight.
There shall be some peanuts,
So it should be alright.
He will land shortly after,
But it wont be over yet.
There is much more to come,
He’ll definitely break a sweat.
He thinks these thoughts up top,
Before he must go.
Race down that bump course!
And do it with flow.
It's for some english project... since it turned to to be skiing, I thought I'd post it up here.