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National GAS OUT on May 15th. Read UP!
Posts: 2517
Karma: 297
Don't pump gas on may 15th. In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight. On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.
If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companys pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.
Posts: 2517
Karma: 297
for everyone that is too lazy to read that just remember to NOT PURCHASE GAS TOMORROW MAY 15
Posts: 1188
Karma: 13
There are too many threads on this already.
It isnt going to work anyway.
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
you are a busy guy 536 posts in a month.
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
Meh that doesnt prove a damn thing.
Posts: 1188
Karma: 13
hahaha, cool.. I just noticed that my first post on this thread was at 4:20: on the dot.
I think Ill go smoke a bowl in celebration.
Posts: 1048
Karma: 16
ha all of the people in canada and america, like thts gonna happen
Posts: 1188
Karma: 13
member for 36 days. average of 14 posts a day.. that is not bad.
Some people on this site do much, much, much more than that.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
The price jumped today in anticipation, and I'm betting everyone will just fill up today or wednesday instead of tomorrow, which evens everything out. Wily gas barons...
Posts: 11586
Karma: 1,860
people will fill up more today or on the 16th it wont work
Posts: 3210
Karma: 110
$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) ?????????? hahaha how it that almost 3 biliion?
Posts: 2944
Karma: 1,305
Posts: 6440
Karma: 41
my gas tank is half full anyway.
Posts: 2441
Karma: 28
I have to get gas tomorrow, Im almost out.
Posts: 1259
Karma: 13
Exactly, if we were going to do anything we'd have to boycott it for like a week, which is highly doubted to happen.
Posts: 1687
Karma: 75
Gas is so expensive here in SF. it's not just above $3 but more like $3.85 for one gallon. One place downtown is selling gas for $4
Posts: 3396
Karma: 25
FFWD to may 16th and everyone fills up. status quo kept, Oil companies laughing at all you hippies.
Posts: 471
Karma: 10
well i dont drive so count me in
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
gas went down 2 cents today!
Posts: 21101
Karma: 8,557
yeah, i always have to make sure i have enough gas to get to the city and back cuz of those goddamn city prices.
Posts: 673
Karma: 15
Haha, I actually need gas, so I will be filling up tomorrow. Anyway, there's already a 3 or 4 page thread on this, and as said in that thread multiple times, this won't work, even if everyone participates. If you want to make a difference, don't USE gas for a day. Simply not buying it won't do anything.
I love how people are so lazy these days they can't even inconvenience themselves enough for a decent boycott.
Posts: 5460
Karma: 72
this isone of the dumbest ideas ever.
Posts: 1386
Karma: 569
i wont pump cuz i dont drive
Posts: 3063
Karma: 41
ha i dont have my license...too many tickets...
Posts: 4185
Karma: 20
You want to know what WILL work? Just not buying gas for a day wont, a week would get their attention, but heres an alternate option: Don't buy gas from say, Exxon, or Shell, for a month. This will cause a drop in these major companies oil prices, and to compete, the other gas companies will have to lower THEIR prices. After a while of prices lowering, then you will have a good price. Just simply NOT buying for a day won't do anything... Besides, even if I filled today, it would be $3.50 a gallon where I am... evening out their profits.
Posts: 2904
Karma: 92
the gas companies should lower prices to like 2.00 tomorrow just to fuck with everyone
Posts: 2611
Karma: 25
That's why bush is in Iraq. He wants to stay there as many days as he utterly possibly can... to get that income everyday.
If you had that income in a day, you'd want every, single, last millisecond in that day.
He didn't buy that shit, so it's alllllllllll profit oil. NO money into it, all money out of it.
That's the only reason he's there for. Everything in the media is lieeessss.
Posts: 2611
Karma: 25
Dude, imagine if that happened, that'd be so damn funny.
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
And advertise 4.00 the day after.
Posts: 5460
Karma: 72
exactly, when every one will need it
or be paying attention to this and just have raised the price .01 for the last week.
Posts: 5077
Karma: 100
yup, i just filled up now so i wouldn't have to tomorrow.
Posts: 5501
Karma: 20
I plan on purchasing a full tank of gas tom just so i dont feel retarded like you idiots...ITs an idol threat either go buy some roller skates or a bike and stop using gas or its pointless!!
Just like some of you said " i filled up today just so i wouldnt have to tom" UHH OK? did u not pay or something cuz they dont care what day u buy ur gas they r still getting money!!
Posts: 1260
Karma: 10
i said it in another thead, but ill say it again here. ive purposely run my tank almost down to the E, just so i can buy as much gas as possible tomorrow. in fact, i think i'll fill up in the morning, and then top it off at night, just so i can buy more.
Posts: 1238
Karma: 13
Posts: 2061
Karma: 183
u have to buy the next day.
showing how fat and lazy america is. we tried and got one day. thats pussy shit
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
Posts: 4103
Karma: 4,488
Haha you dumbass. :)
Where the fuck have you been?
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
man fuck this shit, you bitch about gas being 3 bucks a gallon, try 1.12 a liter, cause thats what is is here in edmonton alberta, where we refine most of the fucking gas.
Posts: 2441
Karma: 28
haha, yeah.. that is seven-hundred and eight million dollars short..
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
stop bitching, gas is 6 dollars over here.
Posts: 4185
Karma: 20
aww my car is in the shop so i can't fill it uuup
im gonna look at gas prices tomorrow and tonight, and see if they are down from 3.50/g
Posts: 673
Karma: 15
Not to mention that it's an meaningless number. Since when do all 70 million+ internet users fill up their car on the same day? And all of the money from them filling up does not go to oil companies. Just a incredibly misleading number.
Anyway, I'm off to fill up. Half out of spite, half because my tank is empty.
Posts: 3398
Karma: 10
fuck that i need gas to drive my ass to work
Posts: 1693
Karma: 20
Posts: 1636
Karma: 91
Hahaha its £4.50 a Gallon in the UK, thats $9. Stop whining!
Posts: 7837
Karma: 3,354
No, the price jumped over speculation that refiners are upping gasoline production. This cannot have any sort of effect on gasoline or WTI prices.
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
your economy, cost of living, and worth of your currency versus the us dollar is completely different so its not really any sort of fair comparison. If your cost of living and financial marketplace was similar that could be a comparison, but over here the gas is crazy expensive right now, so we can whine all we want.
Posts: 703
Karma: 11
You're WRONG! If the people believe, truly in our hearts, and we wish upon the brightest star, WE WILL STICK IT TO THE MAN.
Posts: 1938
Karma: 42
All times are Eastern (-4)