Why does the U.S. have to solve every fucking problem? Darfur is a U.N. problem, it needs massive attention and the U.S. cant give it that. I don't know where this ideology comes from that the middle east is the only place with oil. There is oil everywhere, large amounts of it, we didn't attack the middle east for oil (if not, oil alone). Back when we started slavery, we didn't understand the immorality of the situation which is why everywhere had slaves. In the 1800's people didnt want to give up their free labor (selfishness) and we fought the bloodiest U.S. battle in part to free slaves, we didn't line them up senselessly and burn them alive. Granted, we tortured, overworked, and abused them but everywhere we learned our lesson.
Clinton didn't do shit about Iraq because it didn't need anything done to it, atleast not by U.S. involvement. 9|11 happends, we are cracking down on terrorists and with a little suspicion that Iraq has WOMDs voila, we are in a war. Clinton shouldnt have done anything and Bushs dad was smart and left Iraq after Kuwait because it isnt any of our damn business.
Don't give me this fucking "Bush Ruined the economy" rant. 9|11 happend, what do we do? We increase our defenses which costs billions of dollars. Tsunami hits, what do we do? We give them billions of dollars. We get in the war, what do we do? Drop huge amounts to keep the war effort alive and increase war technology to preserve the lives of our brothers, sisters, fathers, sons. Illegal immigration has spiked tremendously, costing us billions each year, and they gladly send this money back to Mexico or whereever. Gas prices have been shooting up which doesnt help us out at all and not only that our car sales have been going down the shitter while Toyota and Honda are doing incredible, even out-selling General Motors. Sooo much shit has happend in the Bush presidency to fuck up our economy, you cant blame him.