Again, I really fail to see how that works. Apparently, just having money gives you some degree of driving skill. Bullshit. Just because you have the money to buy a plane doesnt mean you should try to fly one without experience.
The cars these guys use are fast. Sure, they were built to go fast. But the error lies in the drivers. The fact that the Gumball is officially a rally and not a race doesnt stop people from reaching excessive and unsafe speeds on public roads.
By the way, did you even read the details of the accident that shut down this years?
"On May 2, a traffic accident occurred near the town of
Republic of Macedonia. The Techart
Porsche 911 Turbo of Nick Morley and Matthew McConville hit an oncoming
Volkswagen Golf
(Some reports contend a speed of 200 km/h or more, whilst others doubt
such a speed would be practical given the poor road condition
[15]). According to media reports,
they tried to escape the country afterwards in a BMW M6 with Russian car number plates
via the nearby border post. However, they were stopped and arrested by
the police, and will be held in custody until their trial has begun."
They tried to dodge the country after killing two people in an accident they caused. If that doesnt speak to the arrogance and idiocy of the people that participate in this rally, I dont know what does.
Yes, I love cars. Yes, I love going fast. Yes, I religiously follow Top Gear and salivate when I hear the rumble of a Ferrari at 4000 revs. But still, this is a race on public roads that anyone can enter, regaurdless of driving skill. Its cool to take your car out on a track and fuck around with it, but this is endangering the lives of people driving their families to school. Not cool.