My story begins when my mom feels that I am not to be trusted on the internet. Because of Dateline she believes that everybody on the internet is a pedophile. I am 16 going on 17 now and I have parental controls that block me from the cool sites like youtube, ebaumsworld, newgrounds, ETC.
She can monitor all my e-mails I send and recieve. Which is annoying as hell because she knows things before I even know about them. She even deleted my saved e-mails, really important ones(reciets, proform deals and passwords).
I can't even send an I.M. anymore on NS because of this god damn control. How Else can I talk to my Ski buddies anymore, I can't its summer and they live an hour away and my mom checks my fucking e-mail everyday.
On top of all this my internet is far slower now seeing that she is the master computer and I and my brother are conected to the router which slows the internet My brother and I use. Then add all the parental controls on top of that (because it has to search for bad content).
This really pisses me off because I use to have it all set up really nice. My internet was way way faster when I was just using the internet explorer link because I was the only one in the family using it. It still had parental controls on it but they were flexible, maybe too flexible for my moms taste, but reasonable.
Now I can't do the things that are esential to my Internet life. Lets face it, I am a Geek. I can build My own computer, I play the sims, battlefield 2, star wars battlefront, counterstrike, and the most under rated game of all N.O.L.F.(no one lives forever). The internet is a big part off my life and when I can't play 64 people with a ping at 70 then that pissed me right off. I cant play multiplayer anymore because of these parental controls.
The Irony of all this is that My internet is DSL.
There is nothing else to do but bitch and moan. And where do people turn to bitch and moan, you guesed it
This really sucks. Want people to read this to compare their internet life to mine.
I know some people will say "get a life" or "go outside"
I know, I know. But I just had my wisdom teeth out and I can't do much else but watch TV or play the computer. I would much rather be skating but its raining out and I felt like doing a little rant.
My internet was once a thriving beast now it is a beast in a cage slowly dying.
I hope I can solve this problem soon. Its tearing me apart.