I live in Pennsylvania and thers a couple mountains around here (blue mtn, big boulder, jack frost, alpine, camel bak, & shawnee) and Big boulder is the smallest mtn ive ever seen, but it has the best terrain park. Ne way they had a comp ther the last day they were open, and it SUCKED. ALL of the skiiers had 1080s, i mean ALL of them. The best thing ther was a 360 and none of the skiers grinded. This terrain park was pretty good 2, i think they were a disgrace to skiers, if u go into a comp, u should do better than that. This park had:(in order)
-Starting ramp
-kinked rail
-15 ft flat
-table top
-3 kickers acrost the whole trail
-battle ship
-nice big table top acrost the whole trail
-rainbow (tallest in pa suposobly)
-Kicker at the end
I think that comp sucked, and i just wanted to put this shit on here
You look.....You look all camera man-y ...
^Derrick.... aka PunkPenguin876
If your walking with you friend, who is a tight rope walker, and he trips on the sidewalk, that is just UNEXCEPTABLE