So I was thinking last night, as I watched Rust Never Sleeps, the Neil Young and CH film (well concert really). Music, will never be as good as it was back then. I know that is a subjective thing to say, but really, let me explain.
It's not that technically the music was better. I listen to all sorts of amazing music nowadays, new music, that is super intricate, incredibly conceived pop materpieces. However, I think that music consists of two things, it's delivery and it's acceptance. Basically, the music itself and the audience that receives it. Without the people, the music doesn't lose any merit, but inorder to create such mind blowing music, and i'm talking live music, you collectively have to have a group of people together, all as excited as the next person, listening to an artist who is as excited, feeding off of the audience, creating this energy circles that is endless, and if used correctly could probably cause your head to explode. Does that make sense? Probably not, however, I know some people on here will understand what it is I'm getting at.
I could write Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album for instance, and release it tomorrow. Say no one has ever heard the album before. It wouldn't do nearly as good for me as Pink Floyd. I know alot of people are going to say that it's because of the time, the drugs, the lifestyles, and yes, that has a lot to do with it, but at the same time, the receivers, the listeners, are still people, and your ears still hear the same thing. I don't know if it's because our ears have been dumbed down by pop pap like Britney Spears and Nickleback, but there still is an amazing world of music out there, it's just that people aren't receiving it. And it really isn't our fault, media hides alot of the good music. But you have to go searching for it. There still is music as pure out there as Neil Young's 'Everybody Knows this is Nowhere' or Nick Drake's 'Pink Moon' but it lacks the nostalgia and the backing of people that let the music drip into there ears and seep into their brains. It's true. I've been to some pretty amazing shows lately. I saw the Flashing Lights last fall at a small venue in Toronto. The energy in the building was amazing, and the show...perfect! It made me realize that if thousands of others were at this show, it would have matched wits with say.... a live performance of The Who, minus the stage show.... Of course, the people would have to want to be into it, breathing the music. But the foundations were there....
I saw Neil Young a month ago and the ol' man packed the Air Canada Centre, with thousands of people. I'd like to see Britney Spears do that in 25 years. I don't listen to Phish and what not... but if you read how passionate these kids are on this board about their concerts and what not, it shows that there is still people out there extremely into people that are extremely into their music.
I guess, being a musician myself, I'm just depressed. Never will I get to witness a show like the Monterey Pop Festival or Woodstock in my lifetime..... my music will never have the nostalgia attached to it. It will only be related to a time when radio basically shits stuff out. And it's fucking sad.
Music is a dream world. It is an escape. People that play or are romantics of music, know where I'm coming from. It's sad that that is lost in most of todays music. If you look (and listen) beyond what is put on the plate infront of you, you might find something you like to eat.
I guess i'm just bitter......
Commander of the Silent Army
Viva La Resistance!