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it's time to crack down on people who throw around the n-word. the moderators delete threads for far less significant reasons. you are condoning racism if you ban people for having aliases, but you don't ban people for the kind of overt racism that is tolerated only in the darkest corners of the internet. after that, move on to other slurs (like the f-word that is ubiquitous on this site). seriously, if you condone racism, you are a racist site. if you are going to engage in censorship, then you should start with the most egregious content
I dont think it is nessacary to ban people for using it, because most people use it as an insult not like YOUR A N-bomb DO MY SHIT...they just use it for an insult...likst stop being a N-bomb...(I am prolly being contradicting but oh well)...I think the threads should just be deleted rather than people being baneed
im serious. i don't mean it as an insult, and i know there are plenty of people that are offended by the word, it just seems to me like you might be taking this a little too far.
Ban people for these kind of messages too:
Date Sent: January 19 2007 14:34:36 - (read)
StealthSteez --> freestyler540*
shut the fuck up you fucking french faggot.
I think that some parents would be so pissed if they saw this site...especially since a lot of kids are 13. I mean...the ladies men cult is majorly adult. Most everyone on this site is in it anyways so you all know what Im talking about.
read the rest of the sentence you pulled the quote from. it's not that hard to understand . . . if you ban people for doing x, but not for y, you are condoning y. in my experience, threads on ninthward have disappeared faster than threads with racial slurs.
if you were around black people, would you feel comfortable talking like that? or would you only make those jokes when there weren't any black people around? i imagine it's something you would only do in private with your white friends. the problem is that these forums are public spaces, more or less. when you throw around the n-word, and when mods are sensitive to "circumstances" and leave the non-derogatory n-words, the forums become a private place for white friends. maybe 99% of skiers are white and no black kids come on here. i still think that if mods are going to police this site, they should ensure that none of the content would alienate black skiers.
would you say any of those words in front of a black person? seriously, would you? the only reason you post them here is because you don't feel accountable to any black people. if someone black was sitting next to you, i doubt you would post that.
wow dude, you seriously have a problem. I don't think you are black, and I don't think you have any "real" black friends. Black people don't get pissed when you use that word, only if you use it in the wrong way. All of my black friends, friends I hang out with everyday, call me nigga, and I call them my niggas. They are cooll with it. It is not cool when you say "fuck you nigger" that is just wrong.
I don't know why you really care, and why you are trying to ruin a perfectly good forum that doesn't even have a problem with racism unless someone anally raped you from this site, so as a way of revenge, you come on here and attack a great site. fuck you.
I dont know why but for a sec the N Bomb meant Noob to me, and i kinda laughed at this thread...
tho sometimes IT is used in a non-harmful way, so really there are situations where it's okay. And also, why should it be racism if black people call themselves (insert N word here)?
Just to clear things up, my comments have nothing to do with the use of the n word in black culture. i'm talking about the use of the word in white internet ski culture.
wow, i thought i had some "real" black friends, but after reading your post i realized i was wrong. i've never put them to the n-word test! from your post i gather that "real" black friends let you call them n**ga, and if you're lucky enough, they might return the favor.
if only i had reached that level of intimacy with black people, i would know (as you do) that black people are "cool with it," as long as you don't throw in a "fuck you" at the beginning. i shouldn't have made such a fuss, huh?
or maybe the relationship you have with a few close friends doesn't represent the relationship between all blacks and whites. in fact, maybe it is the exception instead of the rule.
as for the person on NS who anally raped me, it was JD May. he said we were just gonna have mind sex and i wouldn't have to take my clothes off. boy was i a sucker. but if you think THIS is my revenge, you're way off. i call him VD May, not just because he gave me a venereal disease, but because V is for Vendetta, and that's what we share (along with a good chunk of the alphabet in Herpes simplexes).
i got that too. took me QUITE a while to realize why i wasnt getting the idea of the thread. and now i feel rather stupid.
i see it thrown around on here a bit, but not much. i hardly hear it at school or anything, but thats just because i live where i do and its not quite as big of an issue here...still not nice to hear or see it though, that or any other form of racism.
I'll say this again, it's NS policy that racist language gets deleted. However, we don't always catch it. There are thousands of posts on here every day and most of them are crap. If a green name doesn't see it, we can't very well know to remove it. So if you "see it all the time", message one of us and point it out. Specifically point it out... if you link the thread and say who posted it on what page it saves us having to look through; I can't tell you how many times I've been linked to a thread with 5 pages and someone telling me there's something objectionable somewhere in one of them. But I digress. Just PM a mod with the link and it'll be taken care of. If we have to deal with the same person twice on this issue they'll be banned. That's just creating more work for the staff and we have no reason to let anyone stick around if they're creating more work for us. They'll be banned the first time if their post was really offensive.
what this fine gentleman said. do you have sompthing stuck up your butt or sompthing. get a grip, and if there are REAL racists on this site, and if they do say that shit in public, thats THEIR problem and THEIR life, let them get shit for it. stop trying to be a hero when your going to get shut down by just about everyone. im all for anti-racism man, but drop it, its not going to stop no matter what you do, rely on karma or whatever to do its thing, or possibly the police. fuck.
actually i have black friends. and its not like i say shut up you damn nig***, but if im telling a joke or they say something i might be like nigga/er please ill bust you up...
its not so bad as long as you dont use it in a derogatory statement, then action should be taken...
bros, sick, or dude don't have the background of nigger. That is all that matters. I personally don't find the term nigga when refering to a friend that offensive, but some do, so that is the way it is. If anything like it gets posted, it will get deleted. Plain and simple.
It really shouldn't be a big deal to use another word rather than "nigga."
thats fucking retarded, who cares thats what used to be the bueaty of ns, bashing the fuck out of everyone. But since black people have to bitch about "racism" and use it as a scapegoat for everything, im not racist or anything but still. The truth is if we dont say nigga then that is excluding a race to make fun of, thus creating racism.