!!!morbumps4me and freezy, they only smart ones in this dicussion!!!
i think its funny how people ask for my hookup card info all the time, it wont help them at all cause it will only ship to where ever the card is registerd ( ei, which shop). another thing is i dont see why people are complaining about the pe, its probably the best deal in the ski market today, 349 is dam cheap for a burly park ski.
an last but not least, dont abuse the hookup or proforms, cause if to much stuff is being baught and sold to other people off the proforms, companins are liable to just end the program for everyone. if you work in retail, great, you just like me and get good deals, thats what we call a 'benifit' of working in a shop, but if your some joe shmo, im afread your stuck paying full retail.
Dont abuse the program, if your dad gets it, im afriad you dont, cause if your dad orders you skis, that coupld possibly get him fired from his position.
so you gota ask yourself, would you rather pay full blow for a ski that is going to rip, or get it on proform, not supporting the ski industy, and ride the same skis year after year cause the ski company doesnt want to put any money into develping new skis cause they dont make any money.
and skier_dan, thats fantastic you give your grandfather blowjobs for skis, but no one really cares.
and nobody say its hard to get hooked up, work at a ski shop 1 night a week waxing skis, there your connection right there, thats how i started.