It's so ridiculous how absolutely no one out there knows about park skiing. I wrote this paper for my college writing class about the tension between skiers and snowboarders and how its going away and shit and we did this peer review type thing where we read eachothers shit and tried to question it (in a constructive way of course) and this kid read mine and wrote "The presence of boarding is to be laid back and relaxed, even at a pro level. Skiing at a pro level is precise, rehearsed and cold." and in my paper I said that skiers and snowboarders are really similar people since they are both elitist sports, and he was like 'no, snowboarding came from skateboarding which is rebellious and counter-culture so snowboarding isn't elitist, you should fix that.' and to describe how precise skiing is he was like 'you know how skiers like go up a thing and go in the air and land, that shit is really precise if you make any mistakes at all you lost points and stuff.' I almost cried. Is it really that hard to describe a jump? I'm pretty sure he was talking about aerials, but it was pretty hard to tell.
it's so weird how people just know absolutely nothing about new school skiing. I guess the 90,000 people on here are the only ones...
just thought I'd share this experience with you cause I'm supposed to be editing the paper right now, but I cant possibly justify making any of the changes anyone suggested becuase they're all retarded.