Replying to Touchy-Feeler - 3 8mm Cameras!!!
1 - Bentley BX-720 takes 4 AAs and works great. takes super8 film lens is very clean (also comes with a nice leather case)
2 - Rondo 8mm. also in fine working order. Wind-up operation gets about a minute of clean movies.
3 - Kodak Brownie 8mm. 13mm. f/1.9 lens. this one is in really good condition. shoots for about 30 seconds at a constant speed. comes with a mint daylight filter.
The Rondo and the Brownie are both from the 1950s and are in really good shape. ill post some pics but i havent set prices yet, i want to see if theres any interest. You can still get film for these, if you go to kodaks website they will tell you where you can get it developed near you.
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