I copied the lower paragraph from another thread. Its frustrating to see such close mindedness in our tiny sport, so I wanted to use the paragraph and play a little game and try and make a reasonable point...
Fill in the blanks with your most disliked "style" and the adjectives describing it:
A. Gangster
B. Rocker
C. Emo
D. Hippie
E. 80's
F. Indie
G. Weekend Warrior
H. Square
I. Jock
J. etc...
K. etc...
L. etc...
the list can go on and on.
"What the fuck is up with all the _______ shit, like the _______ pants and the _______ shit. it all looks sooo bad. and they think its stylish. the only reason ever to dress like a _______ is if its april 1st. im really tired of every time im in the lift line seeing 3 or 4 _______ all in the same _______ pants, with their _______ and _______."
If you're going to let other peoples clothing ruin your day...please, please, please rethink why it bothers you so bad. You're out there to have fun. So have it. There are a lot of different people. You may not agree with the way those people think, dress or act and they may piss you off, but everyone should respect everyone regardless of their personal opinion. It will only allow our tiny industry to grow and become more diverse.
Lets not kill off our favorite on snow activity with so much hate.