Warning: RANT!
So I decided I would throw my view out there, you can take it, leave it, hate it, love it, I really don’t give a shit. This whole little schpeal over the spring jam has seemed to cause lots of people to 1. Misinterpret people’s comments, 2. Get all worked up out of pride, or a large ego, I don’t even know, and 3. Say things they probably don’t mean and will regret saying a day after saying it. Now, I know it’s nice to hear all positive comments about a cool video you made, because well, that’s pretty much the only thing people want to hear. In this case, a couple, maybe even one comment containing helpful criticism seemed to be blown way out of proportion. And this is what I think about that.
Newschoolers is a site that contains more deusch bags than the middle east. Because of this, almost every single thing you make, say, or do will be bashed or “hated” on by someone. At this point, if you cant take that, then I would suggest you don’t put anything up on NS. That being said, NS is also not a professional site were the people who are critiquing you know what they’re talking about. For that reason, when I put something up, and someone bashes it, I really don’t care because I don’t care what some 13 year old in New York thinks of my picture, video, idea, whatever, because I know he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And since im getting board of writing this, I’m just gona point this little idea out there for you to think about.
If you want to share a video, picture, whatever with people who enjoy the same sport as you, go right ahead. But if your not ready for anything negative or for people to give helpful criticism that may or may not be right, you need to get your shit together and understand that’s not how it works. And if you want to get better and are willing to get advice, post your video on a video forum, where peoples comments will help almost %100 of the time.
Therefore, I think Bp.’s little moment was uncalled for. I understand it sucks when you work hard at something and someone points out the little details, but that’s how its gona be your whole life, learn to deal. So, in a perfect NS world, people would give you positive comments and leave the criticism to private messages, but that wont happen. So be prepared to get shit, and take it. This isnt just in responce to that thread, but every other video or picture thread i see where someone gets really mad.