Fastest i've ever got results, this is the NS edit sooo its not all the footy there will be another one soon, like in May but for now this is the 2 part edit, I think it shows the event really well, and captures the vibe, I like the way it turned out.
Thanks for eveyone coming and saying HI, and I hope you enjoy your Hats!, I hope to see you all out competing next season, and hopefully progressing, Once I heard Pinewskis rail jam wasn't happening i've decided to try to expand the Deject Dirty Rail Jam into the Midwest, and im looking for a Resort Sponsor, and City Location or Shop Parking lot to get this done at, any help would be great! I would love to have it in Milwaukee or Madison. Hopefully we can get something like Boardfest in Milwaukee cept for skiers.
and now for the momment you;ve been waiting for