pretty sure i already listed a number of things.
i've been skiing for over a decade, i'm really not afraid of anything besides my dad (let's be honest, dad's can fucking rage), i've had years of formal race training, and i ski with a group of very good riders. you say all it takes is time and balls to become a good skier, but explain to me how a number of my friends, who i've been skiing with since i first started, who never had any formal instruction, have no fear (some of the shit these kids do is just plain stupid- driving their car off a loading dock, for example), and don't really ski with a good group of skiers totally suck. they've been skiing for over 10 years, 60-80 days a season, don't know fear, and they suck. they go out there, huck their carcasses off jumps and throw pencil 1s and 3s, eat shit and die on a regular basis, really fucking go balls to the walls, and they aren't good at skiing.
so, what should i tell them? grow a pair and spend more time on the hill? hell no. it's how you spend that time on the hill that makes you a good skier. furthermore, these kids (two of them especially) have no athletic abilities to speak of. they're awkward in the air, on the snow, standing still, carrying their skis from their car to the base. they're awkward walking down the sidewalk, how the hell do you expect them to become good skiers? even if they did spend more time on the hill, it wouldn't do anything. some people simply aren't athletes, period. not everyone has an IQ of 140, not everyone can ski well. saying all it takes to be a good skier is time and balls is like saying all it takes to become a good airplane pilot is time and balls- there's a whole helluva lot more to it than just time and guts.
there's a lot more to being good at anything than time and balls.