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Duke lacrosse rape can they sue accuser?
Posts: 668
Karma: 12
Now that the duke lacrosse players are innocent can they sue the girl who falsly charged them? just wondering
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
idk but that bitch nancy grace on court TV who totally incriminated them from the beginning owes that entire club an apology
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
Oh yes, I do believe they can, as well as the DA who fucked them over in the first place, and I would think they could TRY to sue other prominent figures who talked bad about them because as far as I understand it, it's all slanderous and therefore can be worth suing over... but I'm no expert in law so who knows.
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
Posts: 830
Karma: 46
they should thats fucking bs what she did
Posts: 1202
Karma: 12
It really blew. They were gonna be so good that year, and the entire season was gone. I would be so pissed, sooo pissed, especially if i was a senior, they definatley had national championship potential, great potential.
Posts: 4359
Karma: 1,382
yeah that shit is soo fucked up. What a stupid bitch. She is gonna fuck over girls that actully do get raped. People will be less likly to belive them cuz of shit like this.
Posts: 8358
Karma: 1,674
their suing her lawyer cuz he knew she has full of shit and rolled with it cuz he thought it would make him famous and get him some more buisness
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Sure they could, but I can't imagine those guys wanting to spend any more time in a court room, though.
Posts: 1841
Karma: 858
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
Word. Nancy grace was such a fucking bitch about that shit, and now she's completely wrong. What a fucking dyke...
Posts: 382
Karma: 10
I got kicked out of economics for saying a girl loved it, after she claimed a bunch of footy ( AFL ) players raped her.
pfft. bitch
/cool story Hansel
Posts: 3322
Karma: 30
yes, insteadd lets lynch her
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
what would they be able to charge her with?
Posts: 2628
Karma: 25
Yes they can, and yes they should.
They could file for slander, defamation of charater, and maybe a few other things.
Seriously, the DA and that stipper fucked up their lives pretty much for ever. They'll always be known as the duke rapists. They were placed up on a podium and hung out to dry in front of the whole country. The lawsuit would not be for the money, it would be more for the principle of the matter. And they should definitely go through with it.
Seriously it's complete bullshit what happened to those 3. There are a ton of rumors circulating that the DA actually forced charges on them, because he was up for re-election, and he is trying to win the black vote over.
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
their lives did get fucked up and their future is pretty well damaged. if i could sue i would just because it gives them a little more respect i think.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
The girl, absolutely. The DA, no. It's very hard to get around immunity. The worst he gets is fired, I think.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Oh, and Nancy Grace needs to go the way of Imus, because she's much worse.
Posts: 4755
Karma: 192
I went to high school with one of the kids, Collin Finerty, super nice kid and he didnt deserve to be put on trial for nothing. Happy to see that he is clear but for the ret of his life if you google his name (future emplyoer) all that shit is coming up
Posts: 1785
Karma: 12
Posts: 914
Karma: 13
^they should rape her instead. Just kidding I don´t know what you´re talking about but it does sound fucked.
Posts: 914
Karma: 13
Okay I googled that Collin dude. And I think that they should sue the hell out of the bitch. I hate people who claims that they've been raped.
Maybe also should point out that I hate people who rape too. So I don´t come off as a pig to you guys.
Posts: 1966
Karma: 12
that's cool you knew him. it sucks though because the rest of his life is gonna be screwed because someone lied and shit
Posts: 0
Karma: 350
soo gay, duke woulda owned
Posts: 7382
Karma: 146
i hope someone really does rape that bitch and then when she says she got raped, no one believe her.
Posts: 4740
Karma: 40
haha, yea, that is rediculous that she lied about all this (lieing under oath anyone?), BUT i doubt she has any fucking money or anything worth suing for......
Posts: 896
Karma: 40
shes an "exotic dancer" sure it would be sweet if they sued her but really how much money does she have....
they might get what 12$
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
Sue Nancy motherfuckin' Grace. Goddamn she's said so much shit on her show, theres so much proof!
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