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THursday GREATEST BAND out now, maybe ever!
Posts: 520
Karma: 140
Yeah just wanted to post that! see if anyone else agrees cause thursday is the best band ever and there new cd comes out in september and is going to be incredible!
Posts: 5007
Karma: 19
old news is an even better band... check em out.... so is yesterday's news too, they rule also.....
Commander of the Silent Army
Viva La Resistance!
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
I saw thursday earlier this week, with Every time i die, this day forward, and Murder by death. Thursday was amazing and sooo energetic. This day forward was great too. Murder by death was just odd, and Every time i die was pretty rough... not very tight musicaly, and I wasnt really feelin their music.
Posts: 1142
Karma: 15
haha, screamo. haha
Remember you were born a human being
Not a part of their machine
Posts: 2319
Karma: 13
I love thursday - don't get me wrong. But calling them the best band 'maybe ever' is a bold statement.
'Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics...Even if you win, you're still retarded'
Posts: 1221
Karma: 11
their music is awful. they are assholes two of them at a show, they were 100% rockstar types
Posts: 349
Karma: 10
they are awesome...good song: paris in flames, or cross out the eyes
'You always wanna be told you're right...but maybe I got sick of lying all the time'
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'Mail order is fun.'
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not the best band ever, i guarantee it
'You only live once. If you live it right, once is enough' -Micah Black
Posts: 5007
Karma: 19
The best band ever is The Beatles man, don't you read....
Commander of the Silent Army
Viva La Resistance!
Posts: 3328
Karma: 11
how the fuck didn't you not feel every time I die? not tight musically? what are you on crack? they are like the tightest band EVER musically. their metal riffs mixed wtih the hardcore breakdowns... like fuck... you saw one of the greatest bands out there, adn you had no clue what you were watching.
Dave Pauls
I like dead kittens.
Posts: 564
Karma: 14
i was about to post this. steve is so fucking amazing on guitar, and geoff writes some pretty emotional lyrics. download the new song 'for the workforce, drowning'...they're getting even more hardcore, since 'jet black new year' and all...
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
no band could match the brilliance of pink floyd, led zeppelin, or kimmy hendrix.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
yeah, kimmy's the man.
and as for screamo, nothin beats hopesfall. and yeah every time i die is a kickass band.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
They werent on that night.. drummer was off at times, tempos were dragging a bit, they werent as tight as you all claim them to ALWAYS be. Everybody has an off gig, i didnt say they sucked. And me sayin i didnt like em... wha, you guys like dave matthews? how about rush... different kind of music, still amazing musicians.
Posts: 859
Karma: 17
it's all about the jam bands. i just got back from a festival that featured jazz mandolin project and ekoostik hookah. now that's some music you can feel. every song ends like an orgasm. the beat just keeps building up, and building some more, till it all of a sudden reaches the climax and they just start jamming out for a minute or two, and it's over
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
They would be awesome, but the singer ruins his songs by screaming too much. There is a thing called moderation.
What is the colour of a mirror?
'Fear is your only god' - Zach Dela Rocha
NS hockey pool champion: 2003
Posts: 1028
Karma: 9
i'd have to agree with mad trix. jambands is where it is at. he described it perfectly. All jam songs end soo nice and get you going so much. Honestly, there is no better music. These bands are at the height of how musically talented you can get.
And seriously, to say thursday is the best band ever...is just plain false.
Me: Yeah, all the hicks and stuff in are school make in the hallway its gross.
Sisters bf: Well, they don't care. Their not leaving town, their just like 'Fuck it.'
Sister: Yeah, thats how i feel about law school right now, 'Fuck it, make out in the hallway.'
Posts: 8384
Karma: 38
damn, after reading a lot of sugarloafers points, i always agree w/ him 100%. Jam Bands are the best. and hendrix wasnt that great of a songwriter. he borried a lot of his songs. I love his music, but he was mainly just an INCREDIBLE guitarist. nothing special about his songwriting.
'I don't get girl-girl relationships. Except the pay-per-view kind.'' - EastCoastPride
God is a concept by which we measure our pain - John Lennon
Listen to Bob Marley
Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life. So get wasted all the time and have the time of your life!
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
i love how jam bands BLEND. like how they keep playing into their next song, even though it'll be a different time signature and style.
Posts: 700
Karma: 9
No offense Ductapeboy...they do have breakdowns but there is no way anyone should use the word hardcore in the same sentence as thursday. If you like thursday check out By A Thread.
A brave man will not live forever but a coward will never live.
Posts: 5214
Karma: 47
better than led zeppelin? better than nirvana? better than pink floyd? no, sorry, they might be your favorite band but they arent the best ever. weezer is one of my favorite bands, i like em more than pink floyd(not more than the other two mentioned though), but i still realize they havent really done anything for music like pink floyd has and they arent as good, i just like em better
Dan Maguire
Yankees Suck
'...all fled before his face. All save one. There waiting, silent
and still in the space before the gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax.'
'It's not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near, I can feel it.'
How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
10, 1 to do it, and 9 to say 'I can do that.'
'Dude, we're sick. He's pretty sick, but his muscles aren't as big as mine, so you know.'-CR Johnson
Posts: 1145
Karma: 11
the dude that said hopesfall was screamo needs to listen to the cd again.. that isnt screamo at all.. its hardcore for sure.
I like to ski.
Posts: 1761
Karma: 13
Thursday is really good, i like them, but what have they done thats been really creative and different? Sure, have their own sound, but alot of bands sound like them. How many bands do you know that sound anything like Floyd?
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
yep take a look at hopesfalls lyrics. go to a show or two. then maybe you can say something truthful.
Posts: 3328
Karma: 11
um river ripper.... I was talking about every time I die.... not thursday.
Dave Pauls
I like dead kittens.
Posts: 678
Karma: 10
ductapeboy and lizziebeth really know their shit
Posts: 3328
Karma: 11
thanks man.
Dave Pauls
I like dead kittens.
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
they can't even step foot in thrices shadow.
sacrifice, to some its just a word, to others it is a code, what matters is the colony, he is willing to live for the colony, fight for the colony, die for the colony.
Posts: 1028
Karma: 9
i think punk bands are soo overated. i can't stand when kisd at my school talk about the talent of Thursday's guitarist...im like shut the fuck up. Go listen to Warren Hayes jam for 6 hours by himself and making it sound good.
Me: Yeah, all the hicks and stuff in are school make in the hallway its gross.
Sisters bf: Well, they don't care. Their not leaving town, their just like 'Fuck it.'
Sister: Yeah, thats how i feel about law school right now, 'Fuck it, make out in the hallway.'
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
to each his own, but it's comment like rockymountain's that get people bitching at each other on this message board.
Posts: 1596
Karma: 22
ha, thanks bakerlocal.
anyway, it's hilarious that people get so butt hurt about everything on here. they're all just opinions and just cause you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's wrong. relax. no need to start your own personal crusade on the internet.
'I just ordered mine via O-Form! Rock on! I'm ready to ride my skis of mass destruction!'
-Matt on the oakley osama pros
Posts: 3328
Karma: 11
im gona start my own personal crusade on the internet, against pop punk. and animal crackers. yep. fucking pop punk.
Dave Pauls
I like dead kittens.
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
what chu got against animal crakaz yo?
Posts: 1761
Karma: 13
I think the word 'screamo' is the stupidest thing ever created.
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
I like Thursday a lot, they came up to Vermont a couple of weeks back which is a big show for out here in the middle of nowhere but of course I missed it because I was in the vineyard. I love all genre's of music.
I like jam bands a lot lately I have been really enjoying deep banana black out, did anyone on here got to gathering of the vibes? I was talking to my dad earlier he was telling me all about Woodstock and how tripped out he was, and during the first nigh of Woodstock, he doesn't remember how, but he ended up in Provinetown MA out on the very end of the cape, and he went to this little bar and Led Zeppelin happened to be playing, and it was their first american show ever, he doesn't remember going back be he ended up back at Woodstock. Is anyone here farmiliar with the really famous picture that was on the cover of LIFE magazine of a young guy sleeping on the hood of a car at Woodstock, well I know that guy, pretty cool, huh? Whoa what a long rant that was... sorry. But yeah, Thursday is awesome.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Ya, I responded earlier with a review of the Vermont show at Higher ground.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
i think screamo is a good word, actually. it distinguishes the hardcore that actually has a deep meaning from the hardcore that is just sensless yelling, screaming and growling.
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
yes DEEP BANANA BLACKOUT is super sick, they are from my area. i saw them a little over a year ago, such a good show. it sucks that hope clayborn left the band though, but i havent heard what they sound like with the original girl though.
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
CTripper, you are my new best friend!
Posts: 700
Karma: 9
Since when is screamo even hardcore let alone hardcore with deep meaning? Just cause some fool sounds like he is crying why he yells doesnt mean its meaning full. Hardcore has tons of meaning, you may just not relate to it.
A brave man will not live forever but a coward will never live.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
that is true i guess
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
yesss, my closest friend has been away for 5 weeks, i could use a new best friend.
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
Don't worry, I'm cooler than everyone so you can consider yourself lucky.
In regards to screamo- I think screamo makes sense because the word scream doesn't necessarily imply anything relating to hardcore, like emo-core does, because honestly there really are no emo and hardcore songs or bands because they contradict eachother. Hardcore isn't about screaming it's about the music, there are no emo songs that have breakdowns or anything like that.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
so im gonna restate my position and say that hopesfall is emo-core, rather than screamo.
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
the only song I like very much of theirs much is 6 in tranmission.
Firetruck is the only word that you can say in school without getting in trouble that starts with a 'F' and ends in 'UCK'
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
they have this anoying thing they do called screaming
Firetruck is the only word that you can say in school without getting in trouble that starts with a 'F' and ends in 'UCK'
Posts: 678
Karma: 10
pop-punk and animal crackers? Oh shit, I'd better start running.
Posts: 1627
Karma: 8
its funny how everyone tries to force other people to like the same music they do or classify things the same way. Just listen to what you want and fuck labels.
Posts: 1685
Karma: 12
proud member of *CWDM*
motoXer198: chicks love to do neal
'You only live once. If you live it right, once is enough' -Micah Black
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