ha, or not. I got two good pow days in. I blame the communists, they always seem to fuck everything up. luckily i'm moving to colorado next year, hopefully it dumps there like it did this year. Asfor my sexual behavior, it's starting to get a little sketchy, I usually masturbate to a good jibberish game but now i start spazzin out when i see that the whole run is covered with snow, is it just me, or is that unusual, i'm not used to a whole run being covered in snow, video games are always so unrealistic. I thought about the matter for a while and i decided to see a shrink about my obscure sexual behavior and she looked at me confused and said, "shit son, you got me lost, i coulda swore it's summer". After that remark i refused to pay that bitch and got charged with petty theft. I tried to tell the arresting police i didn't steal anything and they wouldn't hear it. All they babbled about is how all these teenagers get in trouble during summer, they need to get out and do something. I just cringed, and said to myself, "fuck, the commis are everywhere, fuckin everything up." Trial for my misdomenor went alright, it ended up being a big argument. The judge didn't believe that it was winter time, and i just rambled on how all the feds are a bunch of jackasses becuz they have their heads so far up their ass that they can't feel anything but ejaculation from excess pressure on their prostate gland. He didn't take that very well, but let me off easy. I tried contacting halliburton to change the weather patterns, but they were to busy covering all the hype about Chenney lobbying for the right to marry his male counterpart. Ironic huh, a republican lobbying for gay rights. He's a commi aswell so it makes some sense. So i've decided to take some action from all this nonsense, but of course that plan went to shit when the lawyers i contacted to sue the government for stealing all the snow asked me, "what is this winter you speak of." I kinda looked into space and said, "they're everyone, goddamn commis" Well that about wrapps up my rambling of nonsense. I just hate the fuckin commis What are ur guys thoughts about this season?