Posts: 12290
Karma: 7,677
you know what needs to die. this guy. who i went on a date with once then attempted to blow off:
zach says:
Hey good evening...long time no talk
Calan says:
Calan says:
hows it goin
zach says:
goin good! Whatcha up to?
Calan says:
watchin a movie
Calan says:
zach says:
Watchin Seinfeld...lookin' at stuff on line...chattin' with you...what movie?
Calan says:
the recruit
Calan says:
on tnt
zach says:
Any good? I'm not really sure what it's all about.
Calan says:
eh, i got bored and switched to will and grace
zach says:
You have a tendancy to get bored quickly don't you...
Calan says:
zach says:
Well you did with me...
why would anyone put someone else on the spot like that. so that i feel awkward, he's just making himself look pathetic!!!!!!!!!