Replying to How dee do!
La neige aux montagnes fond et les oiseaux commencent a refaire leurs nids pour le printemps et l'été qui approche.
I'm writing to say that I hope everyone has enjoyed their winter season. It has been an interesting one for me; there were times when I smiled and times when I cried and blah blah blah. Although I have a few regrets, I was happy with the way I skied this season. Hopefully you were, too!
Because that's what's most important in skiing and life and such.
Which reminds me, I'm writing a little piece of my life down in the surface journal for you. A friend was so kind as to lend me his for a week or so. I hope you don't mind! Actually, I really hope you enjoy it.
I'm in a kind of write down my feelings mood. I won't bore you out with that stuff in this thread, though.
My father shot and edited a lot of videos when he was younger with his Sears super eight. One of them, dated ninteen seventy two, was an edit of his and his friends' ski season. Just a bunch of teenagers that travelled places and skied and had fun.
I thought it was cool he did something like that, and I really enjoy watching that film, so I'm sharing it with you.
It was done on a four hundred foot roll. That's a million football fields layed out side by side! You could imagine how long the video runs for, then.
Twenty five minutes and sixteen seconds.
I put some music in there to make things safe and exciting. The engine roar of the projector can make my mind explode, sometimes.
The file is ten megabytes large by ten megabytes deep. That's one hundred megabytes total. It should take you about a thousand seconds to retrieve it if your internet download speed is one hundred kilobytes a second. The film is one thousand five hundred and fifteen point six seconds long. So, to round it off, you'll have to take two thousand five hundred and fifteen seconds out of your time to watch it.
That's mathematics!
You should take that time to watch it if you have such an amount of time to take. Pretend it's like you're watching your favorite television program, except there isn't anybody asking you to spend your money on stuff you don't really need every two minutes.
So yep! Let me know what you thought about your season and life.
And the film, if you managed to fit that in too.
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