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Glacier United has a U 17 team i believe...most of the seniors just decided not to play club. flathead force has a u18... i am playing what they call "premier league," for the flathead rapids. (
Dude, MSU is pretty chill. There are def some ladies here, and I have been to some gooood parties. I have some homies that go to UM and when I went to visit on their homecoming I was disapointed. There was absolutely nothing to do. We just kinda drank in the dorms, which apparently is their custom for every weekend. The impression that I got from them is that there isn't a whole lot to do on the weekends. About 5 or 6 of them are actually transferring back to MSU at the semester because they dislike UM that much. Plus the skiing isn't even close to what Bozeman has to offer.
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COME TO UM! skiing is OK here, a little better at MSU. BUT, the education here is better, as is the party scene, so that makes it worth it. I love love love UM. let me know if you have any questions or need a couch to crash on!
I donno man, I am from Bozeman, so I know lots of people that go there, and none of them have said anything that supports a better party scene at UM. Most of them just chill out, Missoula seems like that kind of town. Granted, they are under 21, so I am completely disregarding the club/bar scene and mostly looking at it from an "underage" point of view.
How are the cops in Missoula? The cops here are getting absurd. I used to go for days without seeing a single cop car, and now it's rare that if I see less than two in a day. On top of that, Bozeman is proposing a new plan which calls for more officers and a plan to have cops patrol only in a small area, which basically means busting a bunch of kids while making everyone think the community is a safer place.
there are a lot of them, but if they come to a party, they just tell you to go back to your dorm and usually wont hand out mips (unless you do something stupid)
bahahaha thats funnny, i got accepted into MSU. I'm not sure if im going there yet but will be taking a tour around the 30th or something anyone wanna show me around?
e vict..... little ignorant of the facts... Stay stuck on Bozeman if thats you thing, but don't trash talk Missoula if you haven't experienced what it actually offers. Its not just snowblow, or lolo(which is doper than you think)...there are the Bitterroots, the Pintlers and Swans, which are left unexplored because everyone drops knees and raves about the bowl being the only headdie thing around. Boze is sick, the skiing is good and a better freeride scene for sure. I like to get a mix of skiing and don't like to hit rocks all day when Big Sky has a 100" base. I also haven't skied much in the bc there as you haven't at all here in the Zoo. A little misrepresentation and biased will definately lead you to Boze. Do what you want but don't try to portray Missoula as only having the bowl. Work for it and it pays off!
inbounds: Bridger owns snowbowl. There's like two cliffs at snowbowl and two lifetimes worth of cliffs off the ridge @ bridger. Bridger has a park too, but it sucks.
anybody an art major as MSU? im a freshman BFA at a school in NY and am thinking about transfering to either MSU or CU for art, anyone have any experience in either program?
Missoula has good riding and they probably have better street, but as far as trails and lift access goes, Bozeman is better. Big Sky is really good for lift-accessed DH, and they don't really check tickets once you go a couple times. We have lots of good XC/AM type trails and quite a few amazing downhills if you're willing to push for them. The best part is that most of the trails are within half an hour of campus, so it's not unrealistic at all to go ride every day--that is, unless you have a soul-sucking major.
You have to go to school for art? Do you learn awesome techniques for finger painting that make your finger paints more desirable than other finger paintings? Can you teach artistic ability? Isn't that like going to school to learn skiing style? Sure you can learn form, but you can't really learn style.
I think ignorance is people wasting money on joke degrees. "I just spent four years in school and thousands of dollars for something I could have done in my free time." So is there an "art company" that employs art majors? What does one do with one of these degrees? And what about the class load? Do you have lectures and homework? "Now this is called a sweep ... write that down." Do you get the title "Artist" upon graduating? Do you show up at art shows with your crappy paintings and a framed copy of your diploma saying "Buy my pictures! I have a degree!" Maybe I am ignorant about the subject ... I do have a lot of questions about it.
Engineering ... don't insult me with that business business. Business is another joke degree, show up to class once in a while, take the tests, get A's. Business is a such a cake degree I've seen the course work, one of my friends double majored. And I thought high school was easy. I do understand art, and appreciate it. I know there can be a correlation between art and genius, look at Leonardo Da Vinci. He was brilliant and a skilled artist as well. On the same vein I feel that going to MSU for film is a bit ridiculous as well. If you don't have the vision and natural talent, you can't be taught to be a brilliant film maker. Its something you have or don't. Looking at some of the more brilliant filmmaker's who have gone to college; the only real reason they benefitted was the exposure they got. George Lucas is a film genius, he got discovered doing his student film THX 1138. But he built the star wars franchise himself. I suppose he also benefited from the discussions he had with one of the university's philosophy professors when he was developing the Star Wars story. Is the benefit of an art degree networking? You can teach someone to move a brush, but you can't teach them to produce a masterpiece.
The biggest difference between art and engineering is that engineering emphasizes the end product, whereas art emphasizes the process you go through in order to get there. Art schools teach you different ways to approach and analyze concepts that you probably wouldn't think of on your own unless you were ridiculously good. Even if this is the case, you will still benefit immensely from the exposure to other ideas, teaching methods, history, etc. There is absolutely nothing to lose by furthering your education through college, and if you think you're too good to benefit from it nobody's going to hire you anyway.
Have you ever ridden at Big Sky? It's definitely way better. Silver's trails are well-built for the most part, but they don't have very many. I think I'm going to try to get on a trail crew up there because they have a lot of potential to be really sick and aren't doing much about it. Hitting a BMX-sized jump at 25mph on a DH bike just doesn't do it for me, they need to get in some good drops and berms.