Check this site out
Yes, it's another gaming site, but this one has a twist: Users can win up to $10.7 million in real money by playing games here. Moola gives you a penny when you sign up. You then put that penny on the line against other Moola users in games of semi-skill/semi-chance (like a modified version of Rock Paper Scissors, each of which takes a few minutes to complete). The winner takes the cash and moves up the ladder. The loser gets another free penny and starts over. Win 30 times in a row and cash out for millions, though that may actually be impossible: My personal high mark is $1.28, though some players report taking home thousands to date. Bad news: It's currently invitation only, and you have to know someone who's already a member in order to get on the site. Oh, and you have to watch a short video commercial before each game, but that's a small price to pay for a free penny.
If you need an invite post it on the msg board someone will send you one.