So on februaruy 21 my truck was stolen out of my driveway buy some 22 year old faggot drifter kid who wanted a when they finally found my truck they said that they had to tow it so they could investigate and dust for prints and shit. After an "investigation'' that turned up nothing, no prints or anything and three days later i go down to the station to pick up my truck and they tell me that i have to pay a 225 dollar towing bill(the guy who towed it ripped me off) or i wont get my truck back. BUT then they hand me some papers for the victims of crimes board and tell me that they will pay fo rthe towing and impound fees.
so i fill out all the papers and shit and send it out, then today i get a thing in the mail saying they wont pay for it. Im fucking pissed. Somefucking doush bagsteals my truck and i have to pay for it. what the fuck. im gonna findout who it was, hunt him down and beat the fuck out of him. if anyone from the 518 knows anything tell me