H is truly the most hated man in the valley and like Sac said above, this all needs to be forwarded to Ethan Mueller. H is the "mountain ambassador" and portrays the most unprofessional, egotistical attitude in the industry. The girl above who spoke of the guy in the Tele-xtremes who lost a leg - H-bomb took the 20 minutes to get there because he was pulling passes for throwing snowballs, if i lost a leg over that i would sue the mountain and demand that H was fired, and yes banned for life. H has also pulled passes over a bar fight that had nothing to do with the mountain, simply a way to use his power ( that's all you have when you are a 4' 11" little bitch) This has gone on far too long and the Muellers need to step in and do something about it.
As to the thread creators friends, i underdstand why they got in trouble, those frontside boxes were shitty and had screws sticking out, and were probably put there for that reason. A lifetime ban or 3 year ban? either way that is pushing it, they simply could have gotten the rest of their season revoked.
As far as Crested Butte Mountain, yes our parks have had their problems, but do you know who makes the calls? H - that is why our jumps are never big enough, our landings are short, and our rails and superpipe are way sketchy. Yes we got a DC sponsor, but this year they were not that involved, they were simply a name and gave us some nice boxes. Next year it is rumored that they will take over park operations and possibly move the park to frontside Westwall lift, which would be really sweet. My only concern is that as soon as the DC guys have to deal with H-baumm, things will blow up. H will not be able to handle losing authority and he will make their lives hell, thus causing DC to pull their sponsorship. DC is doing great things for our mountain, but one tiny little man is jeapordizing our future. So for business sakes FIRE H BAUMM !!!!!!!!!!!